Ch 13 Section 5

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"What just happened?" Castiel repeated her question with his own confusion, "You and your brothers just saved a seal. We captured Alastair. Angel, this was a victory."

"What I mean is... where the hell have you guys been? I mean, what, were you just hanging out here the whole time watching the show with some popcorn and an icee?" She scoffed, "Why the hell didn't you throw us a bone earlier?"

"We were here for enough of it..." Castiel looked away from her, "That script on the funeral home- we couldn't penetrate it."

"Ah... the demons cock blocked you guys..."

Castiel looked back up at her, "Why do you think I recruited you and the boys in the first place?"

"Recruited us?"

"That wasn't your friend Bobby who called, Angel. It wasn't Bobby who told you about the seal."

"That was you?" He looked down again, "Look, why do you jump through all these sneaky little hoops to get our help? Why don't you just ask?"

"Because whatever I ask, you seem to do the exact opposite."

"Right, whatever." She huffed, "Well now that you got us to do the work for you, what's next? Are all these miraculous escapes gonna start dropping like flies?"


"And after all this..." Her jaw clenched, "You guys can't make a few exceptions?"

"To everything there is a season."

"You made an exception for me."

Castiel paused before looking back at her, "You're different."

"Angel?" After another long pause, Tessa was next to her once again and Castiel had disappeared at her appearance, "I could use your help."

Back in Cole's dining room...

Mrs. Griffith was looking at a memory book where a picture of Cole at age 3 sat beside a lock of his hair. She turned the page to reveal a picture of herself with Cole as a small child. Cole watched her from the side as she cried.

Tessa appeared just then, "Hey, Cole."

He startled and turned around to face her. She was now wearing a white dress instead of the jeans and black jacket a moment ago. Angel also appeared behind him.

Cole glared at her, "Tell your brother thanks for nothing."

Angel looked away from him as Tessa motioned to his mother, "Look at her, Cole." He glanced back with a pained frown, "Do you see how unhappy she is?"

"That's why I want to stay with her."

"As long as she can feel you, she'll be in pain, because she can't let go. Because you won't let go of her."

Cole's demeanor became defeated, "Why won't anybody tell me what's on the other side?"

"Maybe nobody wants to ruin the surprise."

Angel tensed at that as Cole shook his head, "That's not an answer."

"Look, kid. She's not gonna give you a straight answer. Reapers never do, not the way they roll." Sighing, Angel knelt down to his level to look him in the eyes, "But trust me when I say that staying here, like this, is a whole lot worse than anything she'll take you to."


"Cole, one day... One day you're family will be gone and there won't be anything left for you here." She studied him with soft eyes, "It's okay to be scared, Cole."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now