Chapter Fourteen: On the Head Of a Pin

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DISCLAIMER: I only own my character! Anything you might recognize is courtesy of the CW.

WARNING: Some of these episodes/chapters may contain graphic violence, cursing, mentions of suicide or assault and other triggering aspects. Proceed with caution please.

Episode Summary:

Someone found Lucifer's sword and is using it to kill angels. Castiel and Uriel have captured Alastair and enlist Angel to use the torturing skills she learned in Hell to extract information from him so they can stop the murders. Angel agrees, however, when Alastair reveals some shocking information, her world is shattered. Meanwhile, while Dean enlists Asa to help search for his now missing sister, Sam is concerned she can't handle the job and takes things into his own hands. 

On the road, at night

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On the road, at night...

"Ruby will meet us outside Cheyenne." Sam said, causing Angel's grip on the steering wheel to tighten, "She's been tracking some leads. I know she's not exactly on either of your Christmas lists, but if she can help us get to Lilith-"

"Look Sam, the last thing I want to be talking about is you and your demonic keychain, alright?" Angel sniped, "In fact I couldn't really give a rat's tiny ass about whether you work with her or not. Do what you want."

Sam gave her an exasperated look, "What's your problem?"

"What's her problem?" Dean scoffed as he looked back at Sam with his own glare, "How bout the fact that Pamela didn't want anything to do with this and we dragged her back into it, Sam."

"She knew what was at stake."

"Right! How could I forget? Saving the world." Angel shook her head, "Yeah, we're definitely overachievers on that one." Sam rolled his eyes and was about to comment but she cut him off again, "I'm just- I'm tired of burying friends, alright? I'm tired of being the reason why everyone around us dies."

"Look, Ang." He pushed forward again, "We catch a fresh trail-"

"And we follow it." This time Dean cut him off, giving him a 'shut the hell up and read the room' look, "We all know that."

"Well, then stop being tired and get angry. Both of you because we have a job to do."

"Whatever you say." Angel cut a glare to him through the rearview before turning the radio back on, "Dad."

In a motel room...

"Ah..." Dean let out a heavy and still irritated breath as they walked into their room and turned the lights on, "Home crappy home."

"Winchester and Winchester." Uriel's voice sounded, alerting them to his and Castiels waiting presence, "Oh, and Winchester."

Dean scoffed, "Oh, come on!"

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