Ch 2 Section 4

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"Apocalypse?" Dean squeaked, "The apocalypse, apocalypse? The four horsemen, pestilence, $5-a-gallon-gas apocalypse?"

"That's the one." Bobby pointed, "The rise of the witnesses is a- a mile marker."

"Well, that's just great." Angel scoffed, shaking her head, "What the hell are we supposed to do now?"

"Road trip." Dean answered quickly, "Grand Canyon, Star Trek Experience." He grinned, "Bunny Ranch."

"Fun." Asa nodded at him with wide eyes, "Sounds like a good plan to me."

"First things first." Bobby interrupted, ignoring them, "How about we survive our friends out there?"

"Seconded." Angel agreed as she paced and thought about a plan, "Now how do we do that? We can't stay locked up in here forever."

"It's a spell." Bobby indicated the paper in front of him, "It's supposed to send the witnesses back to rest. Should work."

"Should." Sam grumbled, "Great."

"If I translate it correctly." Bobby informed, "I think I got everything we need here at the house."

Dean laughed a little lightly, "Any chance you got everything we need here in this room?"

Bobby smirked, "You thought our luck was gonna start now all of a sudden?" He shook his head, "Spell's got to be cast over an open fire."

Realization came to Sam, "The fireplace in the library."


Dean laughed again, this time a bit strained, "That's just not as appealing as a, uh, ghost-proof panic room, you know?"

"It's not but we can handle it." Angel nodded as she prepared herself to leave, "Just stick together, alright? Watch eachothers backs."

Asa stopped her, "Stay close to me, alright?" She raised a brow, "These ghosts are on steroids and I'm not about to lose you again."

"Cover each other." Bobby instructed as he took stance by the door, "And aim careful. Don't run out of ammo until I'm done, or they'll shred you. Ready?"

At all their nods they carefully made their way out of the room to head towards the stairs. A ghost sat there, blocking their way. He was a young man in his early 20's with curly hair and he was smiling directly at Dean.

"Hey, Dean. You remember me?"

Dean's memory flashed back to a the shifter bank robbery job they worked a few years ago. This guy died before they could help him.

"Ronald, huh?" Dean nodded in recognition, "With the laser eyes?" He laughed lightly, "I wish I could say it's good to see you."

"I am dead because of you. You were supposed to help me!"

Immediately Bobby shot Ronald and he disappeared.

"If you're gonna shoot, shoot." Bobby reared on Dean, "Don't talk."

Hurriedly the group made their way to the living room. Angel created a salt circle as Dean started the fire.

"Upstairs in the linen closet- red hex box." Bobby instructed as he turned to Sam and Asa, "It'll be heavy."

Sam nodded, "Got it."

As soon as the two of them took off the two twin girls appeared in the living room staring right at Bobby, "Bobby."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now