Ch 4 Section 4

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Jack was handcuffed to a pillar when he finally came too. He rattled the handcuffs a few times, trying to get loose, before looking up to see Michelle still bound and gagged, sitting next to him.

"Michelle?" Travis walked up in front of her, and stood in front of Jack, "Okay. We're gonna stay calm. We're gonna give this man whatever he wants." Travis looked down with those words, knowing what it is he's come for, and he's sad because of it, "Anything. Just take it and go, please."

"I'm sorry about this, Jack." He walked back over to a petrified Michelle, "I truly am." He began to untie her gag, "It's not the way that I wanted it to go."

"Who are you?"

"You already met some friends of mine." He walked back over to Jack, "Two guys and a blonde?"

"They said that if I..." He looked over at his wife, who was shaking, and she met his eyes, "Look, I haven't hurt anybody."

"Not yet, but you would've." Jack shook his head, "They always do. I'm doing you a favor, son."

"Jack..." Michelle whimpered, "What's he talking about?"

Jack looked at her but didn't say anything.

"Tell her, Jack." Travis took a few steps closer to Jack, "Tell her the truth. She deserves to know."

"Just let her go." Jack shook his head as Michelle looked back and forth between them, "She's not a part of this."

"A part of what?" She was no longer crying, now just looking at her husband in confusion, "Jack?!"

"I really do apologize, but she is a part of it." Travis looked over at Michelle, "Michelle... tell him what you told me when I got here."

Michelle stared at Travis with tears in her eyes as Jack was looking over at her, confused.


"I said... 'Don't hurt me...'" Her voice broke with the last words as she began to cry again, "'Because I'm pregnant.'"

Travis looked over at Jack, who turned his eyes back to him as well, "J- just hold on a minute."

"Now you see the mess we're in? I can't make this mistake all over again. I won't be around in 30 years. This has got to end now. I know you don't believe me, but I'd give anything not to have to do this."

"No. No." Jack began to shake his head as he pleaded to Travis, "No..."

Jack tried to move forward but was stopped by the cuffs. As Travis began to take out his weapons, Jack rattled the handcuffs. Travis took out a can of gas, which Michelle saw and became desperate.

"Oh God! Please don't!"

"You don't have to do this!" Jack yelled as Travis began to pour out gas, "If you want to kill me, kill me, but not my wife. Okay? I'm begging you!"

"Ain't got no choice. My condolences."

Travis walked around with the can, emptying it. Desperate, Jack began to pull on his handcuffs again.

Michelles teary fear stricken eyes met her husband's, "Jack."

Jack's eyes suddenly became bloodshot as he continued to struggle harder and harder with his restraints. Finally, he broke the chain between the cuffs and jumped on Travis right away, pushing him to the floor. Sitting on top of him, Jack began to hit Travis. The hunter retaliated after two hooks, making Jack fall to the floor. Travis moved to sit over him, hitting him hard on the chest with his arm in a cast, while Michelle watched in terror.

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