Chapter Two: Are You There, God? It's Me, Angel Winchester

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DISCLAIMER: I only own my character! Anything you might recognize is courtesy of the CW. Any Gifs and/or pics present are not mine. They were pulled from google searches and/or Tumblr.

WARNING: Some of these episodes/chapters may contain graphic violence, cursing, mentions of suicide or assault and other triggering aspects. Proceed with caution please.

A/N: Just remember to keep in mind about the edit so you might have read some of these chapters already. Thank you for all your support and comments :)

Episode Summary:

Angel, Sam and Dean are stunned when the spirits of Meg and Agent Henricksen appear and accuse the Winchesters of failing them. Although rattled, the three must pull together to save Bobby, who is too crippled with guilt to fight off the angry ghosts of the young children he couldn't save.

 Although rattled, the three must pull together to save Bobby, who is too crippled with guilt to fight off the angry ghosts of the young children he couldn't save

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At Bobby's house...

Angel was absentmindedly idling around the house after explaining hers and Cas's conversation to the boys. Bobby sat at his desk with a pile of books in front of him, Sam sat caddy corner to him and Dean stood as vehemently disagreed with believing Castiel was in fact an 'Angel of the Lord'.

Sam shook his head, "Then what else could it be?"

"I'm telling you..." Dean scoffed, "In no way was that thing an Angel. It just isn't possible."

Sam's eyes met his sister, "What do you think, Ang?"

"I don't know... I mean it's just... weird, the prospect of me getting groped and dragged out of Hell by a freakin' angel. And, I mean, if he really is an angel then that just changes everything, doesn't it?" She shook her head, "Why would he lie about that?"

"Maybe he's some kind of demon." Dean quipped, "Demons lie."

Bobby watched them quietly as Angel shook her head, "He can't be a demon, Dean. The guy was immune to everything we threw at him." She counted off with her fingers, "Sigils, salt rounds, devils traps, the knife. Nothing put him down."

"Dean." Sam huffed, "Lilith is scared of that thing!"

"Don't you think that if Angels were real, that some hunter somewhere would have seen one... at some point... ever?"

"Yeah." Sam motioned between Dean and Angel, "You two just did, Dean."

"Look, I'm tryin to come up with a theory here, okay? Work with me."

"Dean, we have a theory."

"Yeah, one with a little less fairy dust on it, please."

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