Ch 5 Section 4

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Back at the bar...

Sam and Angel hurried back to the bar after hearing what happened from Dean.

"Hey." Dean and Jamie both looked up at Sam's voice, "You guys alright?"

"Yeah, I think so." Dean looked from Jamies still scared face back to them, "And I think I know what's going on."

"Please do tell." Angel motioned, "Because this shit is too weird."

He tossed a folded towel on the table, "Part of it, at least."

Angel frowned at Dean before grabbing the towel and opening it to reveal a severed, very slimy, ear.

She grimaced, "What in the..."

"Uh..." Sam also grimaced from beside her, "The ear part?"

"Ripped it off of Dracula's head." He looked between them expectantly, "Touch it."

Sam scoffed as Angel gaped at him, "Excuse me?" He stared them down so Angel took a breath and abided, grimacing in even more disgust when she was met with a sticky slimy familiar memory, "Gross."

Sam followed, "Ugh."

"Feel familiar to you?"

Recognition filled Sam's face, "Oh, man..."

Angel sighed deeply, "Great."

"Skin of a shapeshifter. Just like St. Louis and just like Milwaukee. Of course, this one's all holding buckets of crazy. Oh, and, uh..." Dean took out a medallion from his pocket, "This. Pulled it off during the fight. Look at the label on the ribbon." It had the same 'The FX Shop Prophouse Philadelphia, PA' label as the sarcophagus from earlier, "It's a costume rental. All three monsters: the Dracula, Wolf Man, and the mummy, all the same critter. Which means we need to catch this freak before he Creature From the Black Lagoon's somebody."

"So..." Jamie looked between them curiously, "Are you guys like real X-File agents or something?"

"No, the X-Files is a TV show." Dean laughed lightly, "This is real."

She fell back in her seat even more freaked out, "Oh..."

"Okay, well..." Angel crossed her arms, "What do we know other than he's trying to reenact all his favorite bloody murders from all his favorite monster movies? Gotta be something we missed."

"Wait a second." Jamie caught their attention again, "Who the hell is Mina?"


"Yeah." Dean looked over to them like she just triggered his memory, "That's what he called Jamie. And he called me Mr. Harker."

"Jonathan Harker?" Sam asked but Dean shrugged, "They're characters from the movies and the novels: Mina, Dracula's intended bride, and Harker the fiancé that stands in the way."

"Well, it seems like he's fixating on you, Jamie." Angel met her wide eyes, "He wants you to be his bride."

"Wow." She mumbled as she hurriedly poured another drink, "Lucky me."

"But to fixate on you..." Sam thought, "My guess is that the shifter has to have seen you before or been around you."

"Jamie..." Dean turned back to her, "Has anybody strange come to town, somebody that has taken a specific notice of you?

"I don't know, Dean. It's Oktoberfest. I'm a bartender. There's lots of people. I..." She trailed off as something crossed her mind, "Wait a second. There is Ed."

"Ed?" Angel repeated, "Like... drunk Ed Brewer?"

"Yeah. He moved here about a month ago. Lucy swears he has a crush on me. He comes in almost every night. But, you know, I don't think he's the type of guy-"

"Where does Ed live?"

"I don't know. But he works at the old movie theater. I think he's the projectionist there."

Angel motioned to the door at Sam before meeting Dean's eyes, "Take care of Mina?"


At the movie theater...

Sam and Angel entered the movie theater slowly and quietly. Ominous organ music swelled throughout the building as they started up a flight of stairs. They carefully walked toward a shadow of a man playing the organ and what they saw beyond the curtains shocked them both. Ed Brewer sat at the bench wearing only a white tank and white underwear. As they ventured closer he switched from the ominous music to a more cheerful tune. The two hunters gave each other a weirded out look before sneaking up behind him.

Brewer jumped around in surprise, "Whoa!" Sam and Angel pushed him against the organ as they held him at gunpoint, "You- What did I-"

"Shut up!" Sam demanded, "You know what you did."

Brewers body shook in fear, "What?"

"Cut the act." Angel demanded next, "We know what you are. It's over."

"I'm not anything! I just like to play the Casio!"

Sam studied him, "Had time to grow the ear back, huh?"


He yanked on Brewers ear but all that happened was Brewer screaming in pain.

Sam frowned at Angel, "It's supposed to come off."

Brewers eyes widened between them, "No, it's not!"

"Put some elbow grease into it." Angel instructed before trying herself but was met with the same result, "Well, shit."

Back at the bar...

Dean and Jamie were sitting across from Lucy who had bumped into them on her way to get a bottle of liquor for herself. She decided to stay at the behest of Jamie, who had filled her in on what happened.

"Oh, that sounds awful." Lucy frowned from across the two of them, "Jamie, honey, are you okay?"

"Oh, I am fine." Jamie slurred, "He didn't even touch me. Dean, he just..." She giggled, "Blew right in and fought him off."

"Well, I didn't actually fly." Dean smiled from Lucy to Jamie, "But I'm sure it seemed that way at the time."

Lucy blotted her lipstick on a napkin as Jamie smiled, "It was really, really something."

Dean frowned when he watched her eyes flutter, "Jamie?"

"So, Dean..." Lucy cocked an eyebrow as she watched them, "Are you like a black belt or what?" Dean looked at his glass and it swam before his eyes, "Well, I guess they train you to fight at the academy or whatever."

Dean leaned across the table and punched Lucy in the face, dislocating her jaw.

"Dean!" Jamie frowned as he pushed her out of the way, "What are you doing?"

As Jamie passed out and fell back into the booth, Dean stumbled closer to Lucy who was crouched on the ground.

"It's you, isn't it?" Lucy pushed her jaw back into place just before Dean kicked her, "Oh, damn it!" He leaned on the table and wiped his face as things got blurrier and blurrier, "What did you put in our drinks?!" He grabbed the bottle that was on the table and smashed the end of it against the edge, "That's alright. I'll skin you myself."

"And..." Lucy smiled as Dean passed out, "Scene."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now