Ch 12 Section 2

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Flashback: Truman High School 1997

Angel, dressed clad in tan pants, a pink shirt and a hot pink cardigan, sat silently as she drove the Impala to her brother's new highschool. A red manilla folder her father had given her before he left on his own hunt sat in her lap as Foreigners Long, Long Way from Home played from the speakers. Dean sat beside her, silently nodding his head to the music, while Sam sat in the back with a frown on his face.

She sighed as she pulled closer to the school, uneasiness filling her as it always did when she was leaving them alone, "Okay boys, Ill be right at the college working a case if you need me. I probably won't be back for awhile but the motel's not that far from campus if you need me. Call me and stay together." They nodded but before either could speak she continued, "I'm serious. Make sure one of you remembers to call me when you get there, okay? Just so I know you're safe." Again she continues before they could speak, "And remember to make sure everythings locked up and lined with salt still, absolutely no parties or people over and Dean-"

"'Take care of Sammy.'" He quickly interrupted as he shook his head, "I know, Dad. Jeeze." He snarked, "I've been around this block a few times. I can handle it."

"Right." She took another breath as she pulled into the front of the school, "I know. Just... makes me feel better reiterating it to you."

"Hey, we can handle a few hours without you, Ang." Dean turned to smirk at Sam, "Right, Sammy?"

Sam nodded with a frown as he looked out the impalas window to the school apprehensively, "Yeah..."

"You alright, Sammy?"


Angel turned to him, looking into his eyes with her 'stop bulshitting me' stare, "Gonna have to do better than that, short stuff."

"It's just..." Sam looked at her for a second before looking away, "This is the third school we've been to this year, and it's only November." He sighed, shaking his head, "I'm just sick of always being the new kid."

"Hey, I know it's hard being the newby all the time, especially in highschool. I've been there." She reached back and squeezed his knee, "You're a freshman though. Time's gonna fly by and before you know it you won't have to bounce around schools anymore. You can start working jobs with us."

Angel could tell by the look in Sam's eyes her words weren't the answer he was looking for. Her heart broke for him because she knew exactly what he was feeling. The final months of her senior year were probably some of the hardest months to get through. A big part of her wanted to run away, go to college and finally live the normal apple pie life she's always fantasized about with Jax, but she just couldn't do it. The idea of leaving her brothers with her dad and abandoning them stopped her in her tracks. Not to mention, the apple pie life was far from attainable for her. Not with everything she knows and has seen. Sam was different though. Angel could tell he longed for the stability he's never had.

"You'll be fine." Dean piped in as he turned to look at him as well, "If anyone gives you any trouble, you let me know." Sam scoffed, "Relax. Dad said both these hunts will take two weeks, tops. As soon as he gets back, we're out of here."

"To another school. Awesome." Sam's eyes found Angels pleadingly, "Can't we just help you on the hunt, Angie? You said it wasn't gonna be that hard."

Their father parked them in this town so she could investigate the disappearance of a local college girl, Scarlett Miller, while he handled his own hunt a few hours away. The girl just disappeared out of nowhere in the middle of the night. Her room wasn't touched, no activity on her cell phone or credit cards, missed several exams after being a straight A student since highschool, and never contacted her mother for her birthday. There were also no missing persons filed with campus police, shocking. Her mother even said she had wanted to be in a sorority ever since she was a little girl, counting the minutes until initiation. Which just happened to be in two days. Angel didn't think someone like that would just take off before then, not willingly anyway.

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