Ch 14 Section 4

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Fire and betrayal raged in Castiel's eyes, "You."

Uriel smiled smallly, "I'm afraid so."

"And you broke the devil's trap, set Alastair on Angel..."

"Alastair should never have been taken alive. Really inconvenient, Cas. Yes, I did turn the screw a little. Alastair should have killed Angel and escaped, and you should have gone on happily scapegoating the demons."

Disbelief filled Castiel, "For the murders of our kin?"

"Not murders, Castiel. No. My work is conversion. How long have we waited here? How long have we played this game by rules that make no sense?

"It is our father's world, Uriel!"

"Our father?" Anger filled Uriel's eyes, "He stopped being that, if he ever was, the moment he created them. Humanity, his favorites." He scoffed in disgust, "They are whining, puking larva."

Castiel's eyes narrowed, "Are you trying to convert me?"

"I wanted you to join me. And I still do. With you, we can be powerful enough to-"

"To what?"

"To raise our brother."

Shock and disbelief once again filled Castiel, "Lucifer..."

"You do remember him? How strong he was? How beautiful? And he didn't bow to humanity. He was punished for defending us. Now, if you want to believe in something, Cas, believe in him.

Castiel was offended by the suggestion, "Lucifer is not God!"

"God isn't God anymore. He doesn't care what we do. I am proof of that."

"But this? What were you gonna do, Uriel? Were you gonna kill the whole garrison?"

"I only killed the ones who said no. Others have joined me, Cas. Now, please, brother, don't fight me. Help me. Help me spread the word. Help me bring on the apocalypse. All you have to do is be unafraid."

"For the first time in a long time, I am."

Uriel smiled at his brothers acceptance but in the next minute Castiel punched him and sent him flying into the wall several feet away. Angry and betrayed, Uriel stood back up and the two of them brawled. Uriel soon was able to clobber Castiel with a metal bar and sent him down to the ground.

"You can't win, Uriel." Castiel glared hatefully up at him as he walked closer, "I still serve God."

"You haven't even met the man!" Uriel growled and punched Castiel hard through each phrase he said, "There is no will. No wrath. No God!"

"Maybe." The last time he raised his fist to punch Castiel, he was stabbed through the neck from behind by Anna, "Or maybe not. But there's still me."

Anna pulled out Uriel's blade and stepped back so his body could collapse. She went to Castiel as their former brother screamed as white light flared in his eyes and mouth. The light exploded out of him and out of the building signaling his death. Castiel slowly stood up and looked down at Uriel's corpse in grief. His wings were now seared into the floor across the devils trap.

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now