Ch 5 Section 3

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Canonsburg Museum of American History...

Inside, a guard was talking on his cell phone, "Sorry to bother you. Yes, I do know what time it is... I was just wondering if you were expecting a delivery of some kind? I don't know." The guard walked over to survey the new sarcophagus, "Well, it looks old. That's right. Yeah, an Egyptian kind of deal. No, it was just sitting there on the loading dock. No, Doctor, there's no shipping invoice. There's no nothing." The lid on the sarcophagus began to move, but the guard didn't notice, "I don't know when it was delivered, it was here when I clocked in tonight. I thought you'd know what to do. Think Helen has any record of it in her files?"

The guard turned and saw a mummy rising from the sarcophagus. He stumbled backwards as the mummy left the sarcophagus and began moving toward him.

"Holy mother of crap!"

The guard shot at the mummy but it did nothing to stop him. It grabbed the man's throat and lifted him up against the wall to strangle him to death.

Later on...

After getting word that a mummy attacked and killed a guard, the Winchesters were immediately on the scene with the cops. The three of them carefully investigated the sarcophagus as the police moved around beside them.

"This sarcophagus isn't ancient." Sam held up a tag that read 'The FX Shop Prophouse Philadelphia, PA', "It's from a prop house in Philly."

Angel then held up a bucket of dry ice that was in the sarcophagus, "Fits in with the bucket of dry ice."

Sam frowned, "Is he making his own special effects?"

"Yeah." Dean scoffed, "A mummy with a good sense of showmanship."

They all went quiet as they took in how supremely weird all this was.

Sam scoffed, "This is stupid."

"You could say that again." Angel put her hands on her hips. "I feel like someones screwing with us."

"Oh, damn it. Jamie." Dean rushed to his feet, "I'm late. You guys good here with the mummy and the..." He motioned around wildly, "Crazy?"

"Yeah, we got this." Angel sighed as she and Sam nodded, "Go have fun."

At the Oktoberfest bar...

Jamie was standing outside the bar, frowning as she looked at her watch, "Your loss, G-Man."

She started to walk away when she heard something behind her. When she turned around she was met face to face with Dracula.

"Good evening." Jamie started to run but Dracula followed her and cornered her, "I have watched you for many nights from afar. My passion knows no bounds, Mina!" Jamie fumbled in her purse as he advanced on her, "You are the reincarnation of my beloved, and I must have you." Jamie instantly sprayed him in the face with pepper spray before sprinting away, "Mary, son of a..."

Dracula bolted after her and she crashed straight into Dean. He frowned at her scared face before looking up and seeing Dracula.

His eyes widened at the sigh, "Son of a bitch."

"You should not use such language in the presence of my bride."

Dean paused at that, "Okay." He threw the first punch and they began fighting immediately, "Jamie, run!"

"You have no choice in the matter, Mr. Harker. Mina is mine."

Dracula tried to bite Dean, but he ripped off Dracula's ear in his struggle. With a pained scream, Dracula fled. He leapt over a gate and escaped on a moped.

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now