Ch 6 Section 5

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In the middle of nowhere...

"So..." Angel looked between Sam and Bobby as Dean handed her a beer, "You guys road-hauled a ghost with a chain?"

"Iron chain." Sam motioned to Bobby with his beer, earning a smile, "Etched with spell work."

"Huh..." Angel nodded between them, impressed, "That's a new one."

"It was what he was most afraid of. It was pretty brutal, though."

"On the upside, Angie's still alive." Dean grinned and slapped her back earning a glare, "So go team!"

"Yeah." Sam met her eyes, "How you feeling, by the way?"

She shrugged, "Aces."

"You sure, Ang?" She frowned at Bobby, "'Cause this line of work can get awful scary."

"Ha ha. You're funny." She narrowed her eyes at him, "You wanna go hunting? I'll hunt. I'll kill anything, let's go.

Sam hooked her neck in his arm playfully, "Aww."

Bobby grinned, "She's adorable." They all chuckled as she swatted Sam away from her, "I got to get out of here. You three drive safe."

"You too, Bobby." Sam motioned to him, "Hey, thanks." As he drove off Sam sighed and leaned on the car beside Angel, "So uh... so, what did you see? Near the end, I mean."

"You mean besides that cop totally wiping the floor with my ass?"

"Ang, come on." Dean pressed from the other side of her, "Seriously."

Angel looked from him back to Sam where she saw a flash of yellow in his eyes and tensed. Shaking it off she looked away and bit her lip before letting out a heavy breath.

"Spiders." She nodded her head slowly as both of them eyed her with a twinge of disbelief, "No really. A whole roomful of tarantulas and wolf spiders. You guys know how much those things creep the hell out of me." They both scoffed, knowing better than to take that as an answer, "Just the usual stuff, boys." She shrugged and took a sip of her beer as she tried to reassure them, "Nothing I can't handle."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now