Ch 11 Section 3

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In the backstage of the theater, Jay stood telling Charlie about the events that had just transpired with the Winchesters.

"They said my act is killing people. They said that I was using real magic, that I was casting spells on tarot cards."

"'Real magic.'" Charlie scoffed, "Those three are nuts. You're lucky to be alive."

Jay frowned, "You don't think..."


"Well, the things that I can do now- The cards."

Charlie shook his head, "You've been working the cards your whole life."

"Well, what about the escapes? I haven't been able to slip a pair of cuffs in 30 years. And then there was the way that- that Patrick Vance died. And that Jeb Dexter."

"Yeah." Charlie rolled his eyes, "No great loss there."

"Oh, Charlie, he didn't deserve to die."

"You had nothing to do with it."

"He was hanged the same night that I performed the executioner."

"Wait a minute." Charlie scoffed in disbelief, "Are you telling me that you actually believe those three wackos? That there was some kind of 'real magic' involved?"

"No. I don't know." Jay frowned again in confusion, "I don't know, maybe. I shouldn't go on tonight, Charlie."

"Are you kidding me? You have a sold-out house out there. Sold out! When was the last time that happened?"

"The other night... When I was doing the table of death, I was, um... I was gonna kill myself." Tears filled his eyes, "And I have no idea how I got out alive."

"But you did." Charlie's face softened and he placed a comforting hand on Jay's shoulder, "Somehow, you did. Jay... when you were in your day you were incredible." He grinned at the memory of his old friend, "'The incredible Jay.' You were the best I ever saw. And now you got it back. I don't know how, but it doesn't matter. Just to see you at the top of your game again. Hell, it makes me feel young."


"No buts, Jay. This may be Manna from Heaven, I don't know, but whatever it is, you don't throw it away."

Once his act was on, Jay laid on the table of death as Charlie lit the rope holding the plate of swords up. Charlie went backstage to Vernon and a minute or so later Jay stood up unharmed.

"Oh my God!" A woman's panicked voice backstage caught everyone's attention, "Somebody gonna call 911!"

Jay ran backstage to see what the commotion was about, only to find Charlie covered in bloody stab wounds.

Later on, at the Hotel...

Much to the Winchesters surprise, Jay was the one to bail them out of jail a few hours later as well as dropped the charges against them. All of which relieved Angel immensely. It was always a big pain in the ass to get away from the cops once they were in custody and booked.

Not to mention, it seemed like Jay came around to their side and was willing to help. He brought them to the hotel bar and explained how another victim died during his latest act. The victim this time being his old time friend Charlie.

"I was just a kid when we first met. All I knew was how to cheat at cards. Charlie got me out of more scraps than I can count. Hell, I would have been dead by the age of 20 if it hadn't been for him." Jay sighed sadly from across them, "He was more than my friend. He was my brother."

Sam frowned, "I'm sorry, Jay."

"Look." Jay looked between them pained, "I should have listened to you three when you told me that my show was killing people."

"It's okay." Angel met his eyes with understanding ones, "It's a pretty far fetched notion for the average person to believe and you weren't the one pulling the trigger."

"Yeah, but someone did, and I want to find out who did this to Charlie, so I'll do whatever you three say." He nodded in conviction, "Just tell me what to do."

"Jay, whoever's doing this..." Sam studied him carefully, "They like you. They're probably close to you. Did Charlie and Vernon get along?"

"No." He immediately shook his head, "No, it's not Vernon."

"He's the only one that makes sense."

"Charlie and Vernon were your family, Jay." Angel pushed carefully, "And now Charlie's gone."

"Yeah, but... They butted heads sometimes, but Vernon could never do something like this."

"See, the thing about real magic is it's a whole lot like crack." Dean explained, "People do surprising things once they get a taste of it."

"You better be damn sure about this. Vernon's all I got left."

At Vernon's hotel room...

After Vernon left, the Winchesters quickly picked the lock so they could look through his stuff. Sam, the first one inside, looked around with furrowed brows at all of the old magician memorabilia.

"Wow. It's like a... magic museum."

Dean slapped his shoulder as he and Angel came in, "You must be in heaven."

"Jeeze..." Angel eyed the densely stocked room with raised brows, "This guy sure doesn't travel light."

"He's been on the road his whole life." Sam mused, "Probably everything he owns is in this room."

"Maybe. We've been on the road our whole lives too but if you two ever had this much clutter..." She shook her head, "I'd kick your asses."

"Yeah, okay, Dad." Dean rolled his eyes at her, "Let's get started."

After what felt like hours sifting through the old man's collection, Angel finally sat back in annoyance. She shook her head as she put a magic hat with a trick bottom down.

"Okay, all this crap is just regular magician stuff. None of it's used for actual magic."

Sam nodded as his eyes traced over everything once more, "No herbs, no candles, and no tarot cards."

"I'll be damned." Dean scoffed as he shuffled through some papers and held up a poster with a familiar looking man on the front, a man with the same darkened birthmark on his face as Charlie, "Look like anyone we know?"

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now