Ch 5 Section 5

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Dean awoke in a dungeon strapped to an upright table wearing lederhosen.

He groaned, "Oh, come on."

"She is beautiful, no?" Dracula smirked when he noticed Dean's eyes focused on the portrait of a woman's face on the wall which resembled Lucy, "Bride number three from the first film. She never got the acclaim that she deserved. Which is why I chose her shape, her form, to move among the mortals unnoticed. To listen to the cricket songs of the living. That is when I discovered my bride had been reborn in this century."

"I can't get over what a pumpkin-pie-eyed, crazy son of a bitch you really are. You're not Dracula! You get that, right? Or even if you think you are Dracula, what the hell's up with the mummy?!

Dracula reared back and punched Dean in the face, "I am all monsters!"

"Life ain't a movie, you sorry sack of-" Dracula punched Dean again, silencing him, "Aah."

"Life is small. Meagre. Messy. The movies are grand, simple, elegant. I have chosen elegance."

"You think 'elegance' is really the word for what you did to Marissa, or Rick Deacon, or any of the others?!"

"But of course. It is a monster movie, after all."

"You do realize what happens at the end of every monster movie?"

"Ah, but this movie is mine. And in it, the monster wins. The monster gets the girl. And the hero, he's..." Dracula put his hand on a large lever on the wall, "Electrocuted. Tonight, Jonathan Harker, you will be my hero."

"W- w- wait." Dean chuckled nervously as he struggled to escape, "Wait, wait."

The doorbell rang making Dracula grin and Dean sag in relief, "Please, excuse me.

Dracula walked out of the dungeon and through a modern looking hallway as the doorbell rang again. He opened the door dramatically to a pizza boy standing outside.

"Good evening."

"Uh..." The delivery boy frowned as he got an eyeful of what Dracula was wearing, "Pizza delivery."

"Ah, you've brought a repast. Excellent. Continue to be of such service, and your life will be spared."

"Uh huh..." He pulled out the pizza from his bag and held it out, "That'll be $15.50."

"Tell me..."


"Is there garlic on this pizza?"

"I don't know. Did you order garlic?"


"Then no." The delivery boy eyed him boredly and like he didn't have time for this whole thing, "Look, mister, I got four other deliveries to make. You want to just pay me the money so I can go?"

"Of course, yes, but I have a coupon."

Later on, in another bedroom...

Jamie was lying on a bed when she woke up to Dracula staring at her.

"You wake." He gestured to a white satin dress hanging by the bed, "The gown. It suits your beauty. Please, put it on."

"Where am I?" She moved away from him, "What have you done with Dean?"

"Harker is resting elsewhere. Please, put on the gown and you may dine. We are having pizza."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now