Ch 16 Section 4

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Sam's heart raced, his steady voice a stark contrast to the turmoil inside as he faced Lilith. Her eyes, devoid of soul, pierced through him and her lips twisted into a sinister smile.

"I'm sure you have." She cooed, her voice oozing faux sweetness that skittered across Sam's nerves, "Missed me, have you?"

"Far from it." Sam retorted, trying to exude a confidence he wasn't entirely feeling. His mind was racing, thoughts of Dean, Angel, and the prophecy swirling chaotically, "Let's end this."

"Now, now, Sam." Lilith tutted, stepping closer. "No hospitality for your guest?"

"You're not a guest." Sam shot back, clenching his fists at his sides, "Just a monster riding some sorry victim."

"A monster?" She echoed, feigning hurt, "After all we've been through? I'm hurt, Sam. Deeply hurt." She took a deep breath but kept the smile on her face as her gaze sharpened, "Where's the knife, Sam?"

"On the nightstand." He gestured, keeping his voice flat, "By the bed."

Lilith began walking toward the bed, but then stopped to stoop down and lift the rug. Beneath it was a Devil's Trap. She rolled her eyes and touched the edge of it with a finger; the mark flared and burned away.

"You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that. Way harder than some tired old parlor tricks."

"How 'bout this?"

He reached out a hand and concentrated; a wind rose and blew her hair back, but he had no other effect on her.

"You're strong. But you're not that strong." She smirked, "Not yet."

Sam's scoff was laced with defiance, "So why don't you throw me around then?"

"Because I can't, and you know it. You're immune to my charms." She cocked an eyebrow, "Seems we're at a stalemate."

"Why are you here?"

"To talk."

"Yeah?" Sam scoffed, "Well, I'm not interested."

"Hmm... even if I'm offering to stand down? From the seals... the apocalypse..." Her tone bordered on earnest, "All of it?"

"You expect me to believe that?"

"Honestly? No. You were always the smart one. But it's the truth. You can end it, Sam. Right here, right now. I'll stop breaking seals, Lucifer keeps rotting in his cage. All you have to do is agree to my terms."

"Why would you back down? Why now?"

"Turns out, I don't survive this war. Killed off, right before the good part starts."

"What do you want?"

"For it to go back to the way it was. Before I had angels to deal with 24/7. The good ole days, when it was all baby blood all the time."

"And what do you want in return?

"Your head on a stick." Her eyes darkened with hatred, "Angel and Dean's, too. Call it a consolation prize. So what do you say, Sam? Self-sacrifice is the Winchester way, isn't it?"

"You really think I'm stupid enough to fall for this?"

"I make a deal, I have to follow through. Those are the rules, and you know it. Are you really so arrogant that you would put your life before the lives of six billion innocent people? Maybe it's all that demon blood pumping through your pipes." When Sam's eyes darkened in even more hatred at that comment it only made Liliths smile widen, "Man after my own heart."

"You think I'm like you?" He growled out hatefully, "I am nothing like you."

"Then prove it. Going once." Her voice remained sing-songy as she turned and walked over to the bed, "Going twice..."


"Swell." She turned back to him before sitting on the bed, "By the way, a contract with me will take more than a kiss. A lot more. Don't worry. The dental hygienist in here?" She patted the bedside next to her, "She wants it bad."

Sam then approached her and Lilith wasted no time before she was running a hand up his leg as her eyes turned white. She took him by the collar and pulled him down on top of her. When he got close enough, he grabbed the knife and tried to stab her with it. She countered his attack and flipped him over, grabbing the knife back in the process. Before she could attack, however, the door burst open and Angel, Dean and Chuck barreled into the room, out of breath and wide-eyed. Lilith's head whipped toward the intrusion, and her eyes flashed dangerously.

Chuck, looking incredibly out of place and frightened, seemed to shrink under Lilith's gaze and fear laced his voice as he spoke, "I am the prophet Chuck!"

Lilith scoffed in irritated exasperation before she immediately left Sam to approach Chuck, "You've got to be joking."

Angel stepped further and cut her with her own hateful glare, "Fraid not sweetheart. Didn't expect us to have an ace up our sleeve, did you?" The room then began to tremble around them before a great white light poured in through the windows, "You see, Chuck here's got an archangel strapped to his ass. Wherever he goes, the archangel follows."

"You've got about 10 seconds before this room is full of wrath and you're a piece of charcoal." Dean added, "You sure you want to tangle with that?"

Lilith gave Sam one last look before black demon smoke poured from her vessel's screaming mouth.

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