Ch 9 Section 2

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"Sulfur." Sam ran his fingers in some powder on the floor near the dead bodies, "The demons beat us here. Whatever the deal is with this Anna girl-"

"Yeah, they want her. They're not screwing around. Alright, so, I'm 'Girl, Interrupted.'" Dean picked up some addressed envelopes, "And I know the score of the apocalypse, just busted out of the nut-box... Possibly using superpowers, by the way. Where do I go?"

"Hey..." Sam picked up one of the family photographs he was looking at and turned to Angel, "You got those sketches from Anna's notebook?"


"Let me see 'em." When she handed it over he picked out a drawing of a stained-glass window, "Check this out."

Angel raised a brow, "She was drawing the window of her church."

"Over and over. If you were religious, scared, and had demons on your ass, where would you go to feel safe?"

"Well, Sammy. I'd sure as shit go to my church if I didn't know any better." She started out, "Lets go."

At the local church...

With the Impala parked out front the Winchesters swept through the building with their guns drawn. As they entered the attic Sam earned their attention and pointed the nose of his gun towards someone hiding behind a stained glass wall.

"Anna?" They put away their guns as they got closer to her, "We're not gonna hurt you. We're here to help. My name is Sam. This is my brother, Dean, and my sister Angel."

"Sam?" Anna slowly came out from her hiding spot, looking bewildered, "Sam? Not Sam Winchester?"

"Um..." Sam looked a little taken aback but nodded, "Yeah."

Anna turned to Dean, "And you're really Dean?"

"Well, yeah." He looked to his siblings cockily, who both rolled their eyes, then smirked back at the girl, "I'm really Dean."

"Then that makes you..." Her breath caught as she turned to study Angel in awe, eyes wide, "The Angel Winchester... It's really you."

Angel shifted a little, uncomfortable at the complete awe she seemed to be under, "I- i guess so..."

"Oh, my god. The angels talk about you. You were in Hell, but Castiel pulled you out, and some of them think you and Dean can help save us." She looked to Sam next, her eyes still wide, "And some of them don't like you at all." He frowned, "They talk about you all the time lately. I feel like I know you."

"So..." Dean's eyes narrowed, "You talk to angels?"

"Oh, no." She shook her head madly, laughing a little, "No, no way. Um, they probably don't even know I exist. I just kind of... overhear them."

Sam frowned, "You overhear them?"

"Yeah, they talk, and sometimes I just... hear them in my head."

Angel studied her, "You hear them right now?"

"Not right this second, but a lot. And I can't shut them out, there are so many of them."

Dean scoffed, "They locked you up with a case of the crazies when really you were just... tuning in to angel radio?"

"Yes! Thank you!"

"Anna, when did the voices start?" Sam asked, "Do you remember?"

"I can tell you exactly." Her eyes met Angels, "September 18th."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now