Ch 9 Section 4

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Five months earlier...

At a suburban house, Sam saw a little girl sitting at a table filled with cakes and candies. He snuck into the house with Rubys knife at the ready.

"Please!" The little girl turned to him sobbing, "I want to go home!"

Sam hesitated at that just before two demons attacked him from behind causing him to lose the knife. One demon pinned Sam up against a wall in a chokehold with his forearm.

"Lilith sends her regrets. She couldn't make it."

From behind, Ruby picked the knife up and killed one of the demons.

She pushed the other off Sam, "Take the girl and run!"

"Ruby, you're in so much trouble." The demon beat Ruby until she dropped the knife, "When we get you down in the basement- the things we're gonna do to you."

After getting the kid to safety, Sam ran back into the room and exorcised the demon with his mind. Ruby turned a worried gaze to him as he gasped and steadied himself from the exertion.

"I'm okay." He gasped, wiping the blood from his nose, "Thanks."

Back in the present...

"Ruby came back for me. Whatever either of you have to say, she saved me. More than that, she got through to me. What she said to me..." His eyes fell to his older sisters, "It's what you would've said Angel. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here."

Angel kept quiet as she brought her gaze back to her tightly wound hands. Tense, guilty thoughts raced through her head as she processed everything he told them. Had she not been in Hell, maybe if she fought a little harder, Sam wouldn't have been put in this position. Guilt also riddled Dean as he studied Sam. A knock at the door sounded, distracting all three of them from their inner turmoil.


Dean rolled his eyes, "Not now!"

"Sir, I've got clean towels."

Huffing, Dean got up and opened the door. An older woman hurried in as soon as he did.

"Couldn't you just leave 'em at the door?"

Ignoring him, she stepped in front of Sam and handed him a folded paper, "I'm at this address."

Confusion filled all three of their faces, "I'm sorry, what?"

"Go now. Go through the bathroom window, don't stop, don't take your car, don't pass go. There are demons in the hallway and in the parking lot."


"Okay, yes." She rolled her eyes, "So I'm possessing this maid for a hot minute. Sue me."

"What about-"

"Coma girl? Slowly rotting on the floor back at the cabin with Anna, so I've got to hurry back. See you when you get there. Go!"

At the cabin...

Ruby smirked as the three of them walked inside, "Glad you could make it."

"Yeah." Sam nodded, "Thanks."

"Anna..." Angel came over to the redhead, surveying her closely, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, i think so." She smiled sweetly at the blonde, "Ruby's not like other demons. She saved my life."

"Yeah..." Dean turned, barely looking at the demon, "I hear she does that."

"About that." Angel took a steadying breath before walking over to Ruby who tensed, both of the boys also tensed as they watched her, "Look, me and you are never gonna be friends or cool or whatever. It's not in my blood... It's not how i ride, but you saved my little brother's life while I was in the Pit. He wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you so... thanks."

"Uh..." Ruby offered a strained small smile before politely nodding, "You're welcome."

As Angel passed Sam to stand next to Anna and Dean he smiled at her. She winked in return before nudging a narrow eyed Dean. He glared at her slightly but cleared his throat and walked to Ruby nonetheless

"I guess I owe you too..." He cleared his tight throat again, "You know..."

Ruby shook her head and awkwardly waved him off, "Don't strain yourself."

"Okay, then. Is the moment over?" Ruby nodded as Sam and Angel smirked, "Good." He laughed off his tension, "'Cause that was awkward."

Anna turned, "Angel?"

"Yeah sweetie?"

"You think it'd be safe to make a quick call, just to tell my parents I'm okay? They must be completely freaked." Angel's eyes widened a little before she sent a look to her brothers, "What?"

"Anna, um..." Angel kept her voice soft but she wasn't sure how to broach the top[ic, "Your parents..."

The woman's eyes bounced around the room looking for answers, "What about them?"

"Anna, I'm so sorry but..."

"No, they're not..." At Angel's grim look Anna dropped into her arms to cry on the hunter's shoulder, "Why is this happening to me?"

"We don't know Sweetie..." Angel rubbed her back, trying awkwardly to soothe her, "But we're gonna figure it out."

Suddenly she straightened up from the embrace. Her eyes widened in panic as she looked around.

"They're coming."

Dean went into high gear when he met Angels eye, "Back room."

Angel quickly led Anna to the room before coming back as Ruby turned to Sam.

"Where's the knife?"

"Uh..." Dean grimaced, "About that..."

She scoffed, "You're kidding."

"Hey, don't look at me."

When Dean motioned to him Sam glared and scoffed, "Thanks a lot."

"Great. Just peachy. Impeccable timing, guys, really."

"Enough." Angel chastised as the door began to rattle violently, "We're just going to have to make due with what we've got. Put your big girl panties on and let's ride."

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