Ch 2 Section 2

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At another hunters house...

After finding another mutilated body Sam and Dean hurried back down the porch steps as Angel spoke on the phone with Bobby.

"Yeah, Bobby, Jed's gone. He looks even worse than Olivia. What about you?"

"I checked on Carl Bates and R.C. Adams. They've redecorated... in red."

"Okay, what the hells going on, Bobby? Why are these steroid pumping spirits ripping apart off-duty hunters?"

"I don't know, but until we find out, you three better get your asses to my place. I already called Asa in."

"We're on our way."

Later on...

The three of them pulled up to a stop at a service station. Dean got out to start pumping gas as Angel went inside for a drink. Sam headed to the bathroom and quickly did his business. As he was washing his hands in the sink he noticed his breath becoming visible in front of him and the temperature of the room dropping. The bathroom mirror then became covered with a strange foggy mist. When Sam wiped it away in confusion he was startled to see Henriksens reflection behind him.

"Hi, Sam." Henriksen glared, "It's been awhile."

"Henriksen." Sam swung around, "Are you- Did you...?"

"I didn't survive... if that's what you're asking."

Sam looked pained as they stared at each other, "I'm sorry."

"I know you are."

"Look, if we'd known Lilith was coming-"

"You wouldn't have left half a dozen innocent people in that police station to die in your place?" Henriksen angrily yelled, "You did this to me. It was your fault. She was after you, and I paid the price. You left us there to die!"

Henriksen then attacked Sam, grabbing him hard and tossing him around. During the scuffle Sam turned his head and noticed a small brand on Henriksen's hand. He was then thrown against the mirrors before Henricksen knocked his head on the sink. Sam fell to the ground just as Angel ran in and shot at the ghost with a salt round, making him immediately disappear.

Back at Bobby's house...

Lights flickered around the house as Bobby's breath became visible in front of him. Upon hearing laughter he walked towards the noise, grabbing an iron poker from the fireplace on his way. The lights flickered again as the radio started up. Bobby watched as a ball bounced down the stairs. When it stopped at the bottom he turned and saw two small girls, very much alike, staring at him.

On the road...

Dean sped the impala down the road, Sam in the passenger nursing his new bruises, as Angel frantically called Bobby's phone for the hundredth time.

"He's still not answering." Angel huffed in worry upon getting his voicemail yet again, "Damn it."

"How you feeling, huh?" Dean looked worriedly over to Sam, "How many fingers am I holding up?"

"None." Sam scoffed as he grimaced, "I'll be fine, Dean."

"Henriksen, huh?" Dean shook his head, "What did he want?"

"Revenge." Sam's face dropped, "'Cause we got him killed."


"Well, we did, Dean."

"Alright. Stop right there." Dean barked, "Whatever the hell is going on, it's happening to us now, okay? We can't get a hold of Bobby, so if you're not thinking answers, don't think at all."

Once at Bobbys...

The three of them slowly entered the house, guns cocked and ready.

Deans eyes shifted around cautiously, ""Bobby?"

Angel walked deeper into the house and came across an iron poker on the ground. She looked grimly from the poker to her brothers.

"I'll go." Dean gestured to the stairs, "You two check outside."

Splitting off, Sam and Angel walked through the junkyard. They again split off two different ways to cover more ground. Unbeknownst to the both of them Bobby was trapped in a car with the two ghost girls, who kept him quiet.

"Bobby?" Angel trudged forward carefully, missing him, "You out here?"

As soon as her breath became visible in front of her Angel stopped walking. Slowly she turned around and was met face to face with a young woman that had shoulder-length brown hair.

Angel's brows rose as soon as she recognized the girl, "Meg."

"Angel Winchester." Meg smiled, "I'm surprised you recognize me." She motioned to her body, "This is what I looked like before that demon cut off my hair and dressed me like a slut." Angel tensed as she walked closer, "It's okay, I'm not a demon."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now