Ch 15 Section 2

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Back in the cubicle farm...

People in coroner uniforms rolled the covered body of Paul past the crowd. Sam watched with a tense jaw and sighed. Several feet away, Dean, Angel and several other people, some in suits and some in the yellow shirts, also watched. Angel grasped the cross pendant hanging from her neck with a sad smile as she watched the detectives. Dean and Sam noticed each other just then before Dean shuffled forward to address Angel.

"Something about this seem not right to you?" His voice caused her to jump slightly before turning around, "Sorry."

"I mean..." She took a deep breath, "I think not right is an understatement." She dropped her voice, "The man microwaved his own head, Dean." When she met eyes with Sam she crossed her arms at Dean, "Oh my god, are you letting Psycho Elevator Man get into your head? Are you all freaked out about ghosts and vampires?"

"Well, come on Angela, who microwaves themself to death?"

"Someone with a lot of underlying problems." She scoffed, "Not because the monster under his bed told him to." Taking a breath she turned to him, "Look, Mr. Adler is having me find a therapist to come in and be available for employees to talk to. When you talk to them, try not to mention the ghosts and vampires, okay?"

Turning from him, she smoothed out her pantsuit and hurried back to her office. Later on, however, Angela felt it rather difficult to focus on her work. Her mind kept drifting between the event that happened downstairs and the creepy elevator guy's words. Sighing heavily, Angela couldn't help but access the Sandover personnel file for Paul Dunbar. Her brows furrowed in even more confusion when she read that his retirement party was supposed to be in two weeks.

"What?" She shook her head, "Two weeks?"

Back with Sam...

"Hey. Why would someone kill themselves two weeks before they were supposed to retire?" Sam asked after he rolled his chair over to Ians cubicle, not noticing Ian was now wearing their uniform yellow shirt for the first time and working busily, "I mean, Paul was two weeks from freedom. He should have been happy, right?"

"I don't have time for this, Sam."

Sam laughed at that comment, "That's very funny." His eyes filled with curiosity once he took notice to Ians shirt and new attitude, "What's with you?"

"I'm working. It's important."

"HR bust your balls or something? You're wearing the shirt..." He leaned a bit closer, "Did you shave?"

"Tech support, this is Ian." He answered the phone, cutting Sam off, before his face went pale, "Be right up." Shakily, he took off his headset and get up to leave, "Gotta go up to twenty-two, speak to a manager."

In Dean's office...

Ian knocked at the open door causing Dean to look up from his computer, "Hi. Ian, is it?" He nodded so Dean motioned to the chairs in front of his desk, "Yeah, come on in." He continued speaking as Ian sat, "Yesterday you filled out a 445-T and no problem, just a few errors when we did your switch over to Vista. So, I'm sure you're used to filling out the dash-R's, am I right?"

Ian paled even more, "Oh, no."

"No no no. It's fine. It's fine." Dean dismissed with a soft laugh before pushing a paper over the desk with a smile, "I just need you to redo one today so I can get the show on the road with the invoicing."

Ian looked at it with terror, "Oh my god."

"No, it's fine. Just refile it and we're square."

"I can't believe I did this." As Ian whimpered Dean began to notice something was wrong, "I can't believe I- I can't believe I did this!"

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