Ch 3 Section 3

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At the Campbells home...

Mary and Samuel were sitting at the dining room table busy cleaning guns, "Dean or Angel say where they were going?"

"Said they were gonna kill a demon."

"Kill a demon?" Mary chuckled, "That's impossible."



"Uh... oh, I don' know. Over in Haleyville, uh, Walsh's maybe."

"Wait..." Mary stopped, "Not Liddy Walsh?"

"Well, yeah, I- I think so."

"Dad, she's a friend of mine! We gotta help her."

Deanna walked over to see Mary hurriedly standing, "What's wrong?"

She rushed out the door, "I'll be in the car."

"Hey-" Samuel watched her leave in confusion, "I mean, she wants to hunt, she doesn't want to hunt. Is this some female time of month thing?" Deanna sighed and walked back into the other room, "What?"

Inside the Walsh's home...

"I'm sorry, Liddy." Dr. Brown sat next to Liddy Walsh on her sofa with, "It's metastasized."

Devastation filled her, "Where?"

"His liver, his lungs. It's time we talked about arrangements."

"No." She shook her head frantically, "No, you have to do something, Dr. Brown."

"There is one way, a cure actually, but I'll need your help."

"What do I have to do?"

"Nothing. Just in ten years, I'm going to come to you and ask for something then. Nothing you'll miss."

His eyes turned yellow as a grin spread across his face. The door burst open before Samuel entered. Yellow Eyes shot up out of his seat just before Samuel shot him in the chest. Liddy screamed as the body collapsed on the couch next to her. Within seconds, the demon opened his eyes and Samuel cocked the shotgun again. Yellow Eyes easily waved his hand causing Samuel's shotgun to fly across the room. He waved his other hand and Samuel flew backwards, getting pinned to the wall behind him.

Liddy whimpered, "Oh, God."

Yellow Eyes put up a finger, "Hold that thought."

He approached Samuel slowly, who was grunting at the force, "You son of a bitch."

Yellow Eyes leaned into Samuel, but turned around abruptly to see Mary standing behind him with a raised knife. Instantly he grabbed her by the throat.

"Hello there." Mary sliced him with the knife, taking his hand off of her, "Where the hell have they been hiding you?" She attacked him but he grabbed her arm causing her to drop the knife, she punched him off of her and he grinned, "I like you. You got a lot of spunk."

Mary kicked him but he grabbed her leg and slammed her against a wall.

Samuel struggled, "Mary!"

Angel and Dean burst in. Dean lifted the Colt right at the demon but he quickly pulled Mary in front of him as a shield

Dean glared, "Let her go!"

Yellow Eyes smiled as he hugged her closer, "Where'd you get that gun?"

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now