Ch 12 Section 6

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Flashback: Truman High School 1997

Between classes, students flooded the hallway trying to get to their next destination. One of them was Sam's friend, Barry, who was hurrying along trying to get to his next class. A jock shoulder checked him and made him drop all of his supplies and books on the ground. Sam saw what happened and immediately dropped down to help him pick everything up.

"Thanks, Sam."

"Great school."

"I don't care." Barry shook his head as they made their way through the hall together after collecting everything, "Three years, and I'm out of here. I'm going to Michigan State. They got the best vet program in the country."

"Do you like animals?"

"They're a lot nicer than people."

In a nearby janitor's closet Dean was happily making out with his fling, Amanda. He grinned down at her when they split apart.

"So tonight I'm thinking you, me, a bucket of popcorn, extra butter..."

She grinned, "Mm, kinky."

"And the midnight screening of 'I Spit on Your Grave' at the Cinedome."

"I cant." She frowned, "I have a curfew... at 11:00."


"So if I break it my folks will ground me for a month."

"Yeah, parents." He feigned a shiver, "Terrifying."

"Mm-hmm." She giggled as he kissed her neck, "Well, when's your curfew?"

He shrugged, "I don't have one."

She chuckled at that but cocked her head when she realized he was serious, "Your parents just... let you stay out all night, don't they?"

"My Dad's out of town on a job." He explained, "It's just me, my little brother and our older sister but uh... she's going to school at the university right now so she's not really around."

Amanda frowned, "How long is he out of town?"

Dean shrugged, leaning in for another kiss, "Couple of weeks."

She pulled back, "Seriously?"

"Yeah." He forced a smile, "We got a pretty sweet setup at The Pines."

"The motel?"

"Mm-hmm. HBO, magic fingers, free ice- it's great."

"Yeah... I guess..."

"What? I do whatever I want, whenever I want. It's perfect."

"Yeah, but... don't you miss your Dad?"

At that Dean tensed and looked away from her before he opened the door to the closet, "Come on, we've been in here awhile."

As they emerged into the hallway, Sam and Barry walked by.

"Yo! Sammy!"

Dean caught his little brother's attention, threw him a head nod and walked off behind Amanda. Barry gaped at that exchange, impressed.

"That's your brother with Amanda Heckerling?" Sam nodded, "He's cool."

"Yeah." Sam scoffed as he shook his head, "He thinks so."

Dirk stopped in front of them, ceasing their walk to class, and glareddown at Sam, "Hey, tough guy. I been looking for you." He shot a short look to Barry, "Still want to take Barry's place?"

Sam didn't take his eyes off Dirk, "Get out of here, Barry."

"I'll go get a teacher."

As he ran away, Dirk went to follow but Sam stopped him, earning a growl, "You want to go?"

"I'm not gonna fight you, Dirk."

"Why not? You chicken?" At this point, half the student body had circled them, Dirk flicked Sam's shirt angrily, "Come on!"


As Sam turned to leave, Dirk grabbed his arm and hit him in the face. He fell to the ground before turning to glare up at Dirk.

"Get up! Get up! Come on! Get up!"

Mr. Wyatt then ran up to the two of them, followed by Barry, "Hey, get back! Get back." He demanded, pointing to Dirk, "That is enough."

Sam angrily got up and watched as Dirk ran off, followed by Mr. Wyatt.

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