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Angel crouched over her brother's body carefully as she checked his pulse. She sighed in relief to feel his heart steadily beating away before moving on to do the same to Bobby, who was also okay. Her eyes lifted to glare at Castiel who was casually flipping through one of the books Bobby brought.

"Your brother is alive. They both are."

"Who the hell are you?"


"Yeah, I know your name, sweetheart. I mean what are you?"

Castiel turned to meet her eyes, "I'm an Angel of the Lord."

"Right, yeah. You're an Angel of the Lord." She chuckled as she stood up and rolled her eyes at him, "And I'm the Queen of England." She motioned to her head and gun as her voice dripped in sarcasm, "Take a look at my staff and crown."

Lightning flashed around them as big shadowy wings appeared behind Castiel's back and stretched off into the distance. As soon as the light dimmed, the shadowy wings disappeared.

"Okay, that's... new." Angel gaped at him as her eyes widened, "What kind of 'Angel of the Lord' burns a woman's eyes out of her head?"

"I warned her not to spy on my true form." Castiel frowned, "It can be... overwhelming to humans, and so can my real voice." He smiled softly at her, "But you already knew that."

"That ear splitting mess at the gas station and the motel was your voice?" She scoffed when he nodded, "Jeeze. Try lowering the volume next time. You almost took my head off."

"That was my mistake. Certain people, special people, can perceive my true visage. I thought you would be one of them. I was wrong."

"Right, right. Common mistake." She raked her eyes over him, "What visage are you wearing right now, huh? 'Holy tax accountant?'"

"This? This is a... vessel."

"You're possessing some innocent human? What makes you better than any tom, dick and harry Demon we go after then?"

"He's a devout man." Castiel explained, "He actually prayed for this."

"Okay, well not that I'm not thoroughly enjoying your Tales From The Crypt: Bible Volume, I'm not biting. Just spill who you really are so we can get on with it."

Castiel frowned, "I told you."

"No, you told me bullshit." She shook her head with narrowed eyes, "Why would an Angel of the lord want to rescue me from hell?"

"Good things do happen, Angel."

"Not to Winchesters." She countered, "At least not in my experience."

"What's the matter? You don't think you deserve to be saved?"

"Not particularly." She crossed her arms, "Why'd you do it?"

"Because God commanded it. Because we have work for you and your brother."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now