Ch 8 Section 5

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Asa sighed at Angel as he leaned on his car, "You sure you're okay with me leaving?"

"Asa, come on. How many times do I need to say it? I will be fine."

"Maybe say it until you actually mean it, Ang." He continued as she sighed at him in exasperation, "I'm just-"

"Worried about me." She interjected irritatedly, "I know. You know how I know? Because you, Sam and Dean won't stop badgering me. The next person to say that or ask me if i'm okay is getting a right hook."

"Look, I get it, alright? You don't want to hear it, you're tired of us bringing it up, but that doesn't change the fact that I am worried, alright? Especially with you fighting with your brothers." He sighed and brought her in for a kiss, "I love you, you know that right?"

"Yes. I love you too." She bit her lip as she looked up at him, "You know, i think I like this sappy version of you."

"Sappy, huh?" He slapped her ass hard making her squeak, "I'll show you sappy, Winchester."

Asa slid his hand up her shirt to rest on her ribcage as he brought his head down to catch her lips. The slow sensual kiss soon turned passionate as she rested her hand on his neck. They were interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind her awkwardly. When they split apart they saw Sam looking awkward and trying to avert his eyes.

"Uh, sorry. I can, uh, go meet Dean-"

"It's fine, Sammy." Angel chuckled as she turned back to a grinning Asa, "Call me when you meet up with Bucky."

She kissed him one last time before backing up so he could get into his car.

"See you, Sam." Asa shot Sam a smile, "Take care of my girl."

"Yeah, will do."

Sam chuckled as the two of them made their way toward the pier where Dean was waiting.

Angel frowned at him, "What?"

"Nuthin'." He shook his head, still grinning, "It's still just new. This whole couple thing you've got goin' on with him."

"Yeah, it's new to me too. I don't really know how to do monogamy very well. At least I've never tried it long term before." She rolled her eyes, "But for some reason Asa has stuck around. Somethin' about him I guess."

Sam studied her from the side with a small smile, "I'm glad he makes you happy, Angie."

She chuckled, "Yeah, yeah."

"Coins melted down." Dean said as he got up from the bench he was sitting on when they approached him, "It shouldn't cause any more problems. And..." He motioned to two very sunburned adults walking with Audrey who was carrying a normal-sized teddy that had a hole in its head covered with a bandaid, "Audrey's parents are back from Bali. It looks like all the wishes are gone. That means so are we."

The boys started walking away but Angel stayed put, "Hang on a second." They both turned to her curiously as she met their eyes, "You were right, Sammy."

His eyebrows furrowed, "About what?"

"I shouldn't have lied to you guys." She looked between them carefully, "I do remember everything that happened to me in the Pit. Everything."

"Angie..." The boys shared another look before Dean cleared his throat, "Do you wanna- you wanna talk to us about it?"

"We can help, Ang."



"I'm not gonna lie anymore or pretend like I'm fine but..." Her eyes traveled to stare at the water for a second as everything once again rushed through her head, "I'm not gonna talk about it." Her eyes made their way back over to Sam and Dean, "And I want you guys to respect that."

"Angel, look..." Sam shuffled forward worriedly, "You can't just shoulder this thing alone. You got to let us help."

"How?" Her eyes hardened as they pierced his, "Do you really think that a little sibling pow-wow between the three of us is gonna change anything? That somehow i'll be healed after we have a heart to heart? I didn't just have a bad day, Sam. I was gone for- for a long time."

"I know that."

"We both do, Ang."

"The things that I saw..." She shook her head sadly, "There aren't words to describe it. There's certainly no forgetting it. There's nothing that i can do, nothing that you two can do, to make it better. It's- it's seared into my brain... forever, boys. There's no amount of talking or explaining that could make you guys understand. I could never make you understand." Her haunted eyes stared between them and her heart broke even more for the parin on their own faces, "And I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for everything."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now