Chapter Seven: Its the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester

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DISCLAIMER: I only own my character! Anything you might recognize is courtesy of the CW. Any Gifs and/or pics present are not mine. They were pulled from google searches and/or Tumblr.

WARNING: Some of these episodes/chapters may contain graphic violence, cursing, mentions of suicide or assault and other triggering aspects. Proceed with caution please.

A/N: Just remember to keep in mind about the edit so you might have read some of these chapters already. Thank you for all your support and comments :)

Episode Summary:

It's a few days before Halloween and the Winchesters investigate two mysterious deaths in a small town. The three find hex bags and deduce a witch is sacrificing people to summon a dangerous demon named Samhain. Castiel arrives in town and tells them the freeing of Samhain is one of the Seals that will lead to freeing Lucifer, so Castiel has brought a specialist angel named Uriel to smite the entire town.

 Castiel arrives in town and tells them the freeing of Samhain is one of the Seals that will lead to freeing Lucifer, so Castiel has brought a specialist angel named Uriel to smite the entire town

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Two days before Halloween...

A kid was putting a skull in front of a headstone on his lawn, decorating for Halloween. Across the street, Mrs. Wallace walked up with a big candy bucket in her left hand, as well as a pumpkin and grocery bag in the other. She walked into her house where a baby was being fed by Mr. Wallace.

Mr. Wallace turned to greet her as she sat everything on the counter, "How was the store?"

"Oh, madness." She sighed, "Everyone in town was stocking up." She reached over to the baby in the chair, "Hi, sweetie."

"Did you, uh..." Mr. Wallace raised a brow as she stuffed everything into a cupboard, "Get enough?"

"Oh, hey, I had to arm wrestle Norma Bleaker for these."

"Honey, she's 74."

"And a lot stronger than she looks." When he reached for the candy to take a piece, she swatted his hand away, "Ah-ah-ah, remember last year? We ran out at 6:30."

"It's just one piece."

He went to reach for a piece again, and once again she swatted his hand, "Ah-ah-ah-ah, you can have as much as you want after Halloween." Turning to the baby she smiled, "Who needs a bath? Huh?" Before heading upstairs she turned to her husband, "You coming?"

"I'll uh, I'll be up in a minute."


After she left Mr. Wallace turned and opened the cupboard to get a piece of candy, "Oh."

He grimaced from mouth pain as he chewed and stuck his fingers in his mouth to investigate. When he pulled them out there was blood on them. Reaching back in, moaning in pain, he pulled a double sided razor free as blood spurted from the mouth wound it left. As he looked at it, he started to gag, and grabbed the countertop as he leaned over to start spitting up blood. He spit out another razor blade, followed by another, and continued to spit blood before dropping dead.

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