Ch 8 Section 2

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"All I ever wanted was a teddy which was big, real, and talked. But now he's sad all the time." She frowned, "Not ouch sad, but ouch-in-the-head sad." She leaned into the eldest Winchester who was kneeling beside her, "He says weird stuff, and smells like the bus."

"Um, little girl..."

She glared up at Dean, "That's not my name!"

His brows raised at her but Angel quickly caught her attention, "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"It's Audrey."

"Audrey. That's pretty." Angel smiled, "I'm Angel. That's Asa, and those two are my brothers Dean and Sam." Audrey looked at the three men before her attention was back on Angel, "So Audrey, can you tell us how your teddy became real?"

"I wished for it."

"You wished for it?" Asa repeated, earning Audrey's eyes, "Where?"

"At the wishing well."

Dean opened the bedroom door again but this time Teddy motioned to the TV with his liquor bottle, "Look at this." He chuckled sadly as he turned to a supremely weirded out Dean, "You believe this crap?"

Dean shook his head dumbfounded, "Not really."

"It is a terrible world." He abruptly turned to Audrey, "Why am I here?!"

Audrey yelled back, "For tea parties!"

"Tea parties?" He wailed as guns started firing on the TV, "Is that all there is?"

Dean, wide eyed and thoroughly creeped out, stepped out of the room and closed the door softly.

"Audrey, give us a second, okay?" Audrey nodded at Sam and walked away as Angel stood, "Okay. Are we... Should we... Uh, are we gonna kill this teddy bear?"

Dean reeled, "How?"

"Uh, we could try shooting it first. If that doesn't work, burning it's probably our best bet." Asa answered then frowned at the looks he was getting, "What?"

"How do we even know that's gonna work?" Dean pressed with a scowl, "I don't want some giant, flaming, pissed-off teddy on our hands!"

"Yeah..." Angel sighed deeply, "Besides, Teddy here isn't our core problem. It's whatever brought him to life." She turned back to the little girl and called her over, "Audrey, where are your parents?"

"My mom wished they were in Bali, so I think they're in Bali."

"Okay, well sweetie..." She frowned, "I'm really sorry to break this to you, but... your bear is sick."

"Yeah..." Sam nodded, "He's- he's got..."

Dean interjected as he fumbled, "Lollipop disease."

Asa frowned, "Lollipop disease?"

"Lollipop disease." Dean repeated with a strained nod, "It's not uncommon for a bear his size. But, see, it's- it's really contagious."

"Do you have anyone you trust that you can stay with?" Angel asked her, "A family member or a friend? Gotta be a grown up like us."

She nodded, "Mrs. Hurley lives down the street."

"That's great." She smiled, "Why don't you stay there for a few days while we handle Teddy, okay?"


"Oh, and Audrey?" Dean called as she walked away, "Where is this wishing well?"

Back at Lucky Chin's Chinese Restaurant...

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