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Flashback: Truman University 1997

After getting to the Kappa Theta Xi sorority house, Angel met up with the head girl. Her name was Brittany, and like Angel right now, she had blonde hair and was dressed all in pink. She, followed by a group of the sorority girls, took Angel around the sorority house to give her a tour of the large mansion.

"So." Brittany asked, "Why are you starting classes so late?"

"My dad just got transferred into town. It's just us and my brothers so I transferred to be closer to them."

"Well, I can't tell you how perfect your timing is." She grinned at the other girls before turning back to Angel, "We have a sudden opening in our pledge class, so we're always thrilled to meet a Kappa legacy."

The brunette beside Brittany eyed her, "Where was your mom a Kappa?"

"My grandmother, actually." Angel corrected as her eyes swept the room she was in, "Long time ago. When she got married she had all boys so when I came around it was basically her dying wish that I continued her Kappa legacy."

"Aw, sweet." Brittany cooed, "Now... you understand that we only take girls of the highest caliber and who've been vetted through rush, but given recent circumstances and your pedigree..." She squealed, effectively startling Angel before bouncing up and down, "Let's all welcome our newest pledge! Woo!"

Bouncing up and down Brittany brought Angel in for a hug as all the other girls squealed in excitement.

"Oh." Angel stiffened slightly, "There's hugging."

"Come on, I'll show you your room." Brittany separated from her but latched onto her hand, "I don't want to brag, but we basically have the best house on campus."

As they walked upstairs, Angel noticed all of the pictures of different women lining the walls, "What's with the wall of fame?"

"Our founders and sisters have gone on to bigger things, and they're super generous." She grinned wider, "Wait until you try our chef's food."

"Chef?" Angel bulked impressed, "You guys have a chef?"

"Ta-da!" Brittany excitedly opened a bedroom door to reveal a very pink, floral room, "You like?"

"Uh..." Angel stared at the room in disgust for a second before recovering, "I love it! OMG, it's perfect!"

"I know, right? Too sweet." She grinned before pointing towards all the beds, "That one's Tasha's... and Sallys... and you can have this bed." She walked Angel over to a pink bed with a box that held a giant purple SCARLETT on it, "The last girl that stayed here didn't seem to want it."

"You know..." Angel nodded, "I'm not the type to gossip or anything, but I heard she just ran off one night. Are you worried about her?"

"Try livid." Brittany barked, "You know, lots of kids flake out first year, but we lost top girls to other houses holding a spot for Scarlett. If she wasn't committed to Kappa, she never should've rushed!" Angel's eyebrows rose at her outburst, but Brittany quickly sighed and offered her a smile, "But... we wish her well, and now here you are, our silver lining.

Angel forced a grin, "That's me!"

Brittany turned to grab the box, "Let me at least get her crap out of the way, so you can start fresh."

"Oh, don't worry about it." Angel stopped her before lightly grabbing her and leading her to the door, "Let me take that to security. It is the very least that I can do to thank my new sisters."

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