Ch 13 Section 3

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Back in the kitchen...

Tessa walked into the kitchen, the Winchesters following, and turned around, "You don't remember me?"

"Look, it's been a pretty murky year, lady." Angle sighed, "Care to refresh my memory?"

With a small smirk, Tessa stepped forward, reached up, and pulled Angel down into a kiss. Her memory instantly came flooding back all the way from when a semi truck plowed into the impala. She remembered lying in a hospital bed with a breathing tube beside Dean who was in similar condition. She remembered the conversation she and Tessa had in limbo after she found out she had been speaking to a reaper the whole time. Tessa pulled away just then, but Angel watched her for a few moments before speaking.


"That's one of my names, yeah."

Deans eyes widened, "So, you do know her."

"From the hospital after the accident."

Sam frowned, "The accident with Dad?" She nodded once, "So, this is the reaper that came after you?"


Tessa turned to look at the boys, "Well, this was fun." She turned back to Angel momentarily, "Now, if you'll excuse me-"

"Wait, wait, wait." Dean stopped her when she moved to turn away, "You can't- you can't take the kid."


"Demons are in town, that's why. They've already snatched your reaper pal. The kid knows where."


"So this should be your que to tuck tail and run, Tessa." Angel added as she moved to stand beside Dean, "Who's to say they aren't going to snatch you too?"

"Look, this town is more than a little off the rails." She said as Mrs. Griffith came back into the dining room, picked something off a side table, put her hair up and left, "And someone has to set it straight."

"Okay, we get that. We do, but right now we're dealing with circumstances that are more than a little special."

"What? Your whole angel-demon dance-off?" Tessa scoffed, "I couldn't care less. I just want to do my job."

"Right, yeah, and, look, we want to help you do your job." Dean added, "So, if you would just bail town-"


"Fine." Angel sighed, "How about just holding off for a bit then? Just until we fix this?" The two of them stared at each other for a beat, "Please."

"Fine." Tessa sighed deeply, "But just so we're clear, when I start reaping again, I'm starting with the kid."

"Understood." Sam conceded and turned to go upstairs, "I'll find him."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. What-" Sam turned back at Dean's protests, "What are you gonna say to him?"

"Whatever I have to."

In Cole's room...

Sam walked into the room, looking around for a minute before sitting down next to the open closet.

"This all must be pretty overwhelming, huh?" He said to Cole, who was just visible inside the closet, "Pretty scary, too."

"The worst is my mom."

"Must be hard seeing her like this."

"She's always coming in here, talking to me, telling me how sad she is..." Sam nodded as Cole leaned out of the shadow, "I knock some stuff over to let her know I'm here, but... she only gets sadder."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now