Ch 12 Section 4

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Present Day: Truman Highschool

Angel, posing as a guidance counselor in a black dress and heels, made her way towards the gym where she knew her brothers would be. She swept the upper levels of the school for sulfur but had no luck finding any so she wasn't sure there was even a case here. When she got to the gym doors, Sam was waiting there dressed in his janitor clothing.

"Any luck?"

"I didn't find anything, and I checked twice." He frowned at her words, "I'm assuming you didn't find anything either?"

He shook his head as they walked through the gym doors to get Dean. The sight before them had them both trying to hide their laughter. Dean, dressed in a white shirt and tight red shorts with a red headband on his head, had the class standing in a line as he gave a speech on dodgeball.

"Today, you will have the honor of playing one of the greatest games ever invented. A game of skill, agility, cunning. A game with one simple rule... dodge." Dean threw the ball into one of the kids stomach and he didn't dodge, instead taking the hit and grunting in pain, "Sorry."

"Uh..." Colby, another classmate, rose his hand, "Substitute Coach Roth..."


"Ms. Boudreaux never let us play dodgeball."

"Well, Ms. B's in Massachusetts getting married, so we're playing."

"She says it's dangerous."

Dean loudly blew his coach's whistle, "Take a lap!"


Upon seeing Angel and Sam enter the gym he threw the bag of balls in the air, "Go nuts."

Angel shook her head at her little brother's smirk, "Having fun?"

He grinned, "The whistle makes me their god."

"Right." Sam smirked, "Nice shorts."

Dean looked down at the tight shorts and scowled before changing the subject to business, "Find anything?"

"Nope." Angel answered, "We both went over our areas twice and couldn't find any sulfur. Which means no demon." She turned her eyes to Sam's frown, "Sorry, Sammy, but I don't think there's a case here."

"I don't know..." He shook his head in thought, "Maybe I was wrong..."

"Well, it happens to the best of us. I say we hit the road, huh?" Dean shrugged but a grin came over his face, "But after lunch- it's sloppy-joe day."

Sam grimaced upon seeing Colby get hit in the face with a ball, bloodying his nose. Colby ran past them holding his bloodied nose in pain and crying.

after getting hit with a dodgeball, "Ohh!"

"Good hustle, Colby!" Dean called after him with a grimace, "Walk it off!"

Sam and Angel each gave him a look at the comment, which he shrugged at.

Inside the culinary classroom...

Two students sat in front of one another at a table as they talked.

"Hey, I need to copy your algebra homework again." The jock then hit the other boy in the arm when he didn't respond, "Hey!"

"Why?" The second boy glared, "Cause you're a stupid, brain-dead dick?"

"I'm gonna shove my fist down your throat, you little freak."

He smirked, "That fist?"


The second boy looks at the first and grinned, but not a happy grin, a devilish grin. He grabbed his hand and pushed it into the spinning Cuisinart. Blood spurted everywhere as the first boy started screaming in shock and pain. Another classmate helped him take his hand out of the blender before everyone else ran out. The second boy looked woozy for a second before he fell down to the ground unconscious. Sam arrived and ran over to the kid to discover ectoplasm oozing from his ear.

Later on, after the staff and student body were called to an antiviolence assembly, Dean and Angel snuck away to meet Sam in a deserted school hallway.

He turned from his EMF reader when he heard them, "How's the nonviolence assembly going?"

"Apparently, shoving a kid's arm into a Cuisinart is not a 'healthy display of anger.'" Dean repeated the words of the principal, "So, the kid had ectoplasm leaking out his ear?"

Sam nodded, "Which only comes from a seriously pissed-off spirit. It's got to be ghost possession."

"Certainly sounds like it." Angel mused, "But that's rare. It hardly ever happens."

"Yeah, but it happens. I mean, they get angry enough, they can take control of a person's body."

"Alright." Dean nodded, "So, what, we got a ghost in the building?"

"Yeah, but where? I mean, there's no EMF. Maybe we could find out who it is, at least. You know, check and see if somebody died bloody around here or something."

"Way ahead of you." Dean said as he took out a piece of paper, "I had to break into the principal's office to get this. Oh, and FYI, three of the cheerleaders are legal." He grinned at them, "Guess which ones."

"Dean." Angel glared as Sam rolled his eyes at their brother, "Stop being gross. Come on."

He rolled his eyes as he unfolded the paper, "So, there was only one death on campus. It was a suicide back in '98. Some kid named Barry Cook." Sam stiffened as he snatched the paper from him, "You knew him?"

"Yeah." He sighed deeply, "How did he die?"

Dean gaped at him for a second before answering, "He slit his wrists in the first-floor girls' bathroom."

"That's where-"

"Right where the chick got swirleyed to death, exactly." Dean nodded, "So, what? This ghost is possessing nerds?"

"And using them to go after bullies, yeah."

Angel sighed, "That sound like something Barry's ghost would do?"

Sam looked pained as he thought about his old friend, "Barry had a hard time."

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