Ch 14 Section 2

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Later on...

"Let me know if you want seconds." Angel smirked and put the needle back on the cart with the other tools as Alataris groaned in pain, "There's plenty left."

"Go directly to hell." Angel smiled at that, "Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars."

Back in the motel room...

With her demon eyes ever so present, Ruby chanted as she held a lit candle to the corner of a map, "Relax, the fire is our friend." She quelled as Sam watched the fire spread around the edges tensely, "Besides, the only part of the map we need is the 'where's Angel?' part." She studied the fire once more, "Out."

The flames vanished at her words. The map was charred to unreadability, but a small circle in the middle was untouched.

"There." Ruby pointed after her eyes went back to normal, "Your sisters there. It's a good thing angels aren't concerned with hiding their dirty business. Not used to being spied on." She shrugged and walked away from the tattered paper to lean on the door frame, "I mean, who'd be stupid enough to try?"

"Ruby, it's been weeks..." Sams now stressed and tensed pouty face was on power mode as he turned to face her, "I need it."

She matched his look with her own, "You don't seem too happy about it."

"You think I want to do this? This is the last thing I-" Scoffing, he ran a hand through his hair as he crossed the room to sit on the bed, "But I need to be strong enough."

"It's okay..." Slowly she moved over to him and straddled his lap, "It's okay, Sammy. You can have it."

Leaning down, Ruby kissed him softly as she pulled a knife from her ankle sheath. Pulling away from him she cut her arm, drew blood, and offered it to him. Sam eagerly leaned into her and drank her blood straight from the vein.

"It's okay..." She stroked his hair comfortingly as a smirk spread across her lips, "It's okay, Sammy."

Back in the prison room...

"There's that little pig-poker." Alastair chuckled when he caught sight of Ruby's knife, now in Angel's hands, "I wondered where it went." Angel dipped a ladle into a bowl of holy water and poured it over the blade silently, "Do you really think this is gonna fix you? Give you closure? That is sad. That's really sad. Sad, sad."

Angel then approached him slowly, watched him for a few seconds in silence, and then stabbed him. He grimaced and groaned in pain as the knife sizzled his body. She watched him closely, savoring every second of his pain. Reveling in it. Even though she knew she shouldn't be.

"I... carved you into a ne- new animal, Angel." He groaned out before inhaling sharply, "There is no going back."

"Who said anything about going back?" She drove the knife in deeper until she was inches away from his face and her lips were twitching with anger and hate, "It's my turn to carve."

As she began again Alastair struggled and groaned in his chains, "No!"

Several feet away from them, unbeknownst to both the hunter and the demon, a faucet was turned by some sort of unseen force. It began to drip, right onto the chalk of the devil's trap on the floor.

In the next room...

Castiel listened to Alastairs groans as Angel tortured him, his face tense with concern. The light above him began to flicker, catching his attention, before the bulb exploded.

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now