Ch 16 Section 2

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Inside Chuck's house...

The Winchesters were back and watching as Chuck paced nervously, as if building up the courage to speak. He held more pages in his hands tightly, nearly crumpling them.

"So..." Sam motioned to them, "You wrote another chapter?"

"This was all so much easier before you were real."

"We can take it." Dean urged, "Just spit it out."

Chuck's worried eyes met Angel's scowling glare, "You especially are not gonna like this."

"I didn't like hell, so get on with it Chuck."

"It's Lilith." He sighed, "She's coming for Sam."

Dean straightened, "Coming to kill him?"

Sam was nearly dripping with anticipation at the reveal, earning an odd look from his older sister, "When?"


"She's just gonna show up?" Dean frowned in agitation as his eyes went from Angel's hard gaze to Chuck's worried one, "Here?"

"Uh, lets see..." Chuck sat back down and put his glasses on to read from the manuscript, "'Lilith patted the bed seductively. Unable to deny his desire, Sam succumbed, and they sank into the throes of fiery demonic passion.'"

Chuck's words came like daggers to the eldest two Winchesters. Angel immediately stopped pacing to lean on the wall and cut into Dean with her eyes. Sam, on the other hand, started laughing.

"You're kidding me, right?" He finally saw the seriousness in both of his siblings' faces and scoffed, "Oh, come on guys, this is a joke. I mean, really, 'Fiery demonic passion'?"

Chuck looked back up with a small shrug of offense, "It's just a first draft."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait." Dean interjected, "Lilith is a little girl."

"No, uh, this time she's a..." Chuck read from the manuscript again, "'comely dental hygienist from Bloomington, Indiana.'"

"Well, that's perfect." Angel stood up straight from her position on the wall, meeting eyes with Sam and shocking him that she actually believed this, "What's after the fiery demonic passion?"

"I don't know, it hasn't come to me yet."

"Guys, look, there's nothing to worry about." His serious look eyes bounced between them, "Lilith and me? In bed?"

"Chuck..." Angel's voice cut between the silent, heavy glare the three siblings were having with each other before she moved her attention, "Why don't you explain to us how all of this stuff works?"

"What, my process?"


"Well, it usually starts with a headache. A really bad headache. Aspirin is useless, so..." He motions his head a little ashamed, "I drink. Until I fall asleep. The first time it happened, I thought it was just a crazy dream."

Dean nodded, "The first time you dreamt about us?"

"It flowed. It just, it kept flowing." He wiped his face tensely, "It still does. I- I can't stop it, really."

Sam scoffed at them, "You guys can't seriously believe-"

"This is our first lead, Sam, so yes we are going to look into it. We are following up on this. Now, what we're going to do right now is-" As soon as she walked over to Chuck he immediately held up the manuscript for her, making her frown slightly, "Take a look at these closely, with a fine tooth comb, to see what the hells going on."

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