Ch 16 Section 3

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"You..." Chuck's eyes widened in shock upon realizing who was standing in front of him, "You're Castiel, aren't you?

"It's an honor to meet you, Chuck. I..." Castiel walked over to Chuck's end table to pick up a book and flip through its pages, "Admire your work."

"A... prophet of the lord..." Angel repeated with trepidation before sharing a look with her equally as unsure brother for a few seconds, "C'mon, seriously? This guys a prophet? No way."

"No- No, he's practically a Penthouse Forum writer." Dean turned back to Chuck who was now stumbling over to his armchair, "Did you know about this?"

"I, uh..." He grabbed and cracked open a fresh bottle of whiskey before pouring himself a large glass, "I might have dreamt about it."

"And you didn't tell us?!"

"It was too preposterous! Not to mention arrogant. I mean, writing yourself into the story is one thing, but as a prophet? That's like M. Night-level doucheiness."

"Okay, you're going to need to explain this a little better, Cas." Angel stepped closer to him and Dean and lowered her voice as Chuck desperately gulped down the whisky, "This is the guy we're counting on to decide our fate? For real?"

"He isn't deciding anything. He's a mouthpiece; a conduit for the inspired word."

"The word? The word of god?" Dean bulked, "What, like the new new testament?"

"One day, these books..." He smiled at the book resting in his hand, "They'll be known as the Winchester gospel."

Angel, Dean and even Chuck all gaped in unison together, "You got to be kidding me."

"I am not..." Castiel frowned, "Kidding you."

Chuck's eyes widened in complete shocked stress, "If you'll all please excuse me one minute."

The three of them watched as Chuck stood, clutched the bottle close to his chest and disappeared upstairs.

"Him?" Dean whirled again, "Really?"

Castiel smirked, "You should've seen Luke."

"I don't care about Luke! I wanna hear about him." Angel interjected, "Like the reason we got saddled with him as our prophet when the world's about to implode."

"Yeah. Why'd he get tapped?"

"I don't know how prophets are chosen. The order comes from high up on the celestial chain of command.

"High up, as in bigger-badder angels or beyond even you guys?" Castiel's mouth opened to answer Angel's question but he shut it when she hurriedly waved him off, "Okay, you know what? That doesn't matter right now. What matters is finding a way to get around this."

That seemed to confuse Castiel, "Around what?"

"She's talking about the Sam-Lilith love connection. How do we stop it from happening?"

"What the prophet has written can't be unwritten." His next words thrust Angel and Dean into despair, "As he has seen it, so it shall come to pass."

Back at the RE D Motel...

Dean drove him and Angel back to the motel in strained and hurried silence. Angel felt as if her entire world was about to implode in on her after everything she and Dean had discussed with Chuck. Her entire life she'd spent trying to protect her brothers and her family, even endured decades of torture in hell, only for them to be inches away from absolute destruction now.

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