Ch 11 Section 4

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In the theater...

The Winchesters entered the building just in time to hear Charlie, now around twenty eight years old instead of in his sixties, offer up immortality to both Jay and Vernon. It seemed like the two of them were about to be on board with it. At least one of them.

"Jay..." Vernon turned to Jay in awe, "We can be young again."

"The three of us together." Charlie grinned, "Vital and alive... forever."

"Not so fast!" Dean yelled as the three of them hurried up to the stage, guns at the ready, "I ain't Guttenberg, and this ain't Cocoon." He motioned for the other two to move with his gun before smiling at Charlie, "Immortality. That's a neat trick."

"It's not a trick." He smirked as a noose appeared behind Dean, dropped around his neck and lifted him off the ground, "It's magic." Without missing a beat, Sam and Angel each fired at him but he caught the bullets in his teeth, spitting them out into his hand happily, "Hey, bullet catch! Been working on that."

He threw them up in the air before disappearing as Dean thrashed around, "Get him!"

When he appeared a few feet away next to Jay's contraption Angel reared forward, "Put him down! Now!"

Charlie shook his head, his tone turning to that of annoyance, "Just leave me and my friends alone."

Sam came up beside her, "Let him go!"

"Alright, I will give it up." Charlie immediately put his hands up, "The spells, the hexes. This is the last time. I promise."

Sam and Angel both eyed each other as their guns lowered, but when Sam tried to pistol whip him he disappeared. Once he reappeared, another noose came down around Angel's neck right before he pushed Sam onto the sword table and locked him in. Now Dean and Angel each thrashed around in the air helplessly as Charlie slowly broke the rope that was keeping Sam from being impaled.

Before he could kill anyone, Charlie clutched his stomach in pain where fresh blood soaked through his shirt like he'd just been stabbed. He looked to Jay, who had a knife in his own stomach, and watched in shock as he pulled out his tarot card deck. Charlie stumbled as he pulled out a tarot card from his own pocket, betrayal etched on his features.

"Jay... You picked these strangers over me?"

Once he fell dead, Dean and Angel both dropped from the nooses and gasped for air. Sam managed to get out of the restraints on the sword table just before the rope broke. Relief and shock flooded him upon realizing he had gotten free just in the nic of time.

His attention quickly went to Dean and Angel, "You guys okay?"

"Yeah." Dean coughed, "Yeah, I'm alright."

"I'm good." Angel held up a hand as she too caught her breath, "I'm good."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now