Chapter Sixteen: The Monster at the End of This Book

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DISCLAIMER: I only own my character! Anything you might recognize is courtesy of the CW. Any Gifs and/or pics present are not mine. They were pulled from google searches and/or Tumblr.

WARNING: Some of these episodes/chapters may contain graphic violence, cursing, mentions of suicide or assault and other triggering aspects. Proceed with caution please.

Episode Summary:

Angel, Sam and Dean are shocked to discover a series of comic books titled 'Supernatural' that accurately detail their lives as demon hunters. They track down the writer, Carver Edlund aka Chuck, who explains he has visions of the siblings that he then turns into comic books. Chuck reveals that Lilith is coming and she has a plan for Sam.

A disheveled man, Chuck Hurley, was sprawled out on his couch as he slept

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A disheveled man, Chuck Hurley, was sprawled out on his couch as he slept. He had multiple papers in his hands, clutched closely to his chest as he snored. The coffee table in front of him was littered with more papers, multiple unfinished manuscripts of books along with some unfinished food and drinks.

As he slept, it was obvious he was in the throes of an intense dream. Quick flashes of all three Winchester siblings, the impala and even Chuck himself thwarted his mind before he jerked awake in terror.

At a comic book shop...

Inside, a man took a comic book off the shelf as the Winchesters walked through the door. The boys were both in their suits and Angel in her pantsuit. All three were sporting long black coats: FBI costumes. The man behind the counter looked up as they approached and took out their badges.

"Uh..." He frowned, "Can I help you?"

"Sure hope so." Dean answered, "Agents DeYoung, Shaw and Phillips. Just need to ask you a few questions."

"Notice anything strange in the building, last couple of days?"

The man frowned again at Sam, "Like what?"

"We've had some reports of flickering lights from other tenets." Angel elaborated, "Some other noises too, like skittering in the walls. Kind of sounds like rats." She studied him, "Anything like that?"

"Uh... I don't think so." His eyes turned skeptical, "The FBI is investigating a rodent problem?"

"What about cold spots?" Sam continued, ignoring his question, "Feel any sudden drops in temperature?"

"I knew it!" He grinned widely, "You three are LARPing, aren't you?"

Angel frowned this time as she shared the look with her brothers, "LARPing?"

"You're fans!"

"Sir... We don't even know what LARPing is." Angel attempted to dismiss him with one glare, "Can we get back to the questions?"

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