Ch 8 Section 4

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Once Todd started violently rocking the vehicle back and forth with the boys still inside, Dean jumped into action out of the impala.

"I'll handle Todd. You guys get Wes to Lucky Chin's. Go!"

Sam slid over to the drivers side, "Yeah."

Angel turned to Asa who was opening his door, "I'll help him." He shut the door quickly, "You guys just hurry."

Sam sped away as Dean and Asa walked over to confront Todd.

"Hey, kid!" Dean called, "Can we talk to you for a second?"

Todd reared on them, "Get out of my way!"

"Hey, hey, just chill out, alright? It's Todd right?" We know the score, kid." Asa motioned to the van where the three kids were still screaming for help, "How long they been bullying you?"

"Every day. Every day! You do not know what it's like!

"Well..." Dean motioned his head as he knelt down next to Asa to be eye to eye with Todd, "No we don't, but-"

"Couldn't stop them." Todd looked down, "I couldn't do anything. Then Audrey Elmer told me the wishing well worked."

"Look, I get it." Asa nodded with a heavy sigh, "They're mean little jerks. But they're not superhuman like you, kid."

"Yeah, you see, with great power comes great respons-"

Todd reared back and punched Dean in the face, sending him several feet in the air. He then grabbed Asa and threw him into some garbage cans and trash bags.

Dean hurriedly got to his feet as Todd advanced on him, "Kid, I didn't want to have to do this." He reared back and punched Todd that only resulted in hurting his hand, Todd didn't even move, "Ow!"

Todd put his hand around Deans throat and started to choke him as Asa struggled to his feet.

Outside Lucky Chin's...

"That- That-" Wesley was still dumbfounded by what he saw as they all got out of the car, "That kid turned over that car like- like it was nothing."

Angel heaved a sigh, "You should have seen the teddy bear."

"Now, come on." Sam motioned, "Fun's over. Time to pull the coin." When he didn't move Sam snapped, "Wes!"

"Well, why can't we just get what we want?!"

"Because that's life, Wes."

Before anything else could be said, a lightning bolt struck Sam from a random cloud in the sky. He went airborne for a second before falling to the ground dead.

"Sam!" Panic coursed through Angel as she ran and turned him over, "Sam? Wake up, Sammy!" Tears fell down her face when she couldn't find a pulse, "No, no, no, no. Sam, no! Somebody help! Please!" She was full on sobbing now as she started CPR on her now dead little brother, "This cannot be happening. Samuel, you better wake the fuck up! Sam!"

Shocked, Wesley hurried into the restaurant where Hope was now standing in front of the wishing well.


She whirled around to face him, "I had to do it, didn't I? He was gonna make you wish away our love."

Wesley rushed over to her, "You wished a man dead?"

"I love you more than anything."

"Stop saying that. Stop it!"

"But I do." Hope furiously shook her head as her voice broke with tears, "More than anything. More than me. More than life. Oh, Wes." She caressed his face, "Don't hate me."

"It'll be okay." Wesley put his hands over her cheeks and kissed her deeply before hugging her tightly, "I'll make it okay. It's gonna be okay."

Wesley walked over to the fountain and removed the coin, reversing all the wishes. Todd wasnt strong anymore and let Dean go just as Asa made it over to them and Sam woke up, gasping for air.

Relief filled Angel as she plopped to the ground beside him, "Oh thank God." She hung her head as she tried to calm down, "Jeeze."

After a minute of them both catching their bearings and getting up, Angel angrily punched him in the shoulder with all her strength.

"Ow!" He held his arm but couldn't help the small smile, "What was that for?"

"Jerk! Stop dying!"

Before he could rebuttal, Hope walked out of the restaurant very confused. She stopped and stared at them for a second before continuing down the road. A dejected Wes came out next. He handed the coin to Sam before sulking away.

Sam's eyes followed him, "So i guess he reversed everything."

"Yeah." She pulled him into a tight relieved hug, "Yeah, he did."

Back with Dean, Asa, and Todd...

Dean quickly caught his breath as he realized Todd didn't have his power anymore. Asa helped him to his feet and quickly backed him away from the kid.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. He's normal again." Dean brushed him off as something crossed his mind, "Both of you follow my lead. Trust me, kid. You won't have this problem anymore." He motioned as the kids started climbing out of the turned over car, "Come on."

As Dean started to act scared of Todd in front of the bully boys, Asa followed suit.

"Okay, man, no more!" Dean held out his hands in front of him, "No more, okay?"

"Yeah, kid! We've had enough!"

Dean turned to the bullies, "I wouldn't mess with this kid any more if I were you."

As Dean smirked to Asa they both walked away. The main bully held his arms out as Todd turned to them.

"Stay back!"

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