Ch 3 Section 2

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Outside the Campbell's house...

John pulled the impala to a stop, "See you later?"

Mary grinned, "If you're lucky."

They kissed before Mary got out of the car. As she approached the house Dean and Angel appeared from the distance.

"Angel and Dean, right?" She studied them warily, "I'm not sure you two should come in."

"Look, you can trust us." Dean smiled down at her, "I mean, we're practically family when you think about it."

"What he means is..." Angel swiftly elbowed him in the ribs, "We're all hunters here. We don't mean any harm."

"Yeah, thing is..." She shook her head, studying them, "My Dad... he's a little, um..."

"Oh..." Dean jumped in giddily, "I gotta meet him."

Her brows rose, "You've heard of him?"

"Clearly not enough."

"Can you tone it down, Dean?" Angel dropped her voice as Mary led them inside, "We're not supposed to know them."

"I'm sorry for being a little excited to meet my family. Oh and to find out that my mother is a freakin hunter." He scowled, "How come that never came up in conversation?"

"I didn't think it was a necessary subject to broach."


"Look, I just figured you two were better off thinking she was just a normal mom. She was great without the hunter backstory anyway. Not to mention, she got out of the life. I just assumed she never wanted us to know that little tid-bit so i didn't spread it around." Angel waved him off as Samuel walked back into the room with Mary, "And when I found out, I wasn't exactly happy about it."

"So, you two are hunters, huh?" Samuel asked in a bored tone, "Well, tell me something, mister and miss hunter, you kill vampires with wooden stakes or silver?"

"Neither, you cut their heads off." Mary smiled as Dean cocked his head, "We pass your test?"

"Yep." His eyes became sharp, "Now get out of my house."

Mary scoffed as Angel and Dean frowned at each other, "Dad!"

"I don't trust other hunters. Don't want their help, don't want them around my family."

Deanna, his wife, was quietly setting the table in the next room when she called to him, "Knock it off, Samuel."

He sent her the glare, "They're hunters."

"Who passed your little pop quiz, and now I am inviting them to dinner." She grinned at the two of them as she walked in, "Are you two hungry?"



"Good. I'm Deanna." She reached out and shook their hands, "You've met my husband Samuel, now wash up."

Later on...

They all sat around the dining room table as they ate dinner quietly. Samuel still passed the two of them irritated looks but kept quiet nonetheless.

"So..." Deanna leaned over and gently touched Angel's arm, "Is this your first trip to Lawrence?"

"Oh no, we've been here before, it's just been awhile." Angel nodded, her eyes flashing from Mary back to Deanna, "Lots changed."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now