Ch 6 Section 4

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Outside the lumber mill...

Sam sat atop the impala as another car drove up and parked behind him. Bobby exited, studying the lone worried Winchester with furrowed brows.

"Howdy, Sam."

"Hey, Bobby. Thanks for coming so quick."

"Well..." The older man nodded as he came to a stop in front of Sam and looked around curiously, "I, uh, get why Ang isnt here but where's Dean?"

Sam sighed heavily, "We thought it'd be better if one of us stayed with her." He frowned, "She's not doin' too good."

Bobby frowned, "The hallucinations started yet?"

Sam nodded, "Yeah, a few hours ago."

"How we doing on time?"

"We saw the coroner about 8:00 a.m. Monday morning, so, uh... just under two hours. What about you? You find anything?"

Bobby handed him a book with Japanese text, "This uh, encyclopaedia of spirits dates to the Edo period."

Sam looked it over curiously before turning back to him, "You can read Japanese?" Bobby narrowed his eyes at Sam before answering him in Japanese, a little snarkily, "Guess so, show-off."

"Anyway, this book lists a kind of ghost that could be our guy. It infects people with fear. It's called a Buru Buru."

"It say how to kill it?"

"Same as usual." He shrugged, "Burn the remains."

"Wonderful." Sam put the book down as he heaved another exasperated sigh, "Uh... is there a Plan B?"

"Well, the Buru Buru is born of fear. Hell, it is fear. And the lore says we can kill it with fear."

"So we have to scare a ghost to death?" He nodded, making Sam scoff, "How the hell we gonna do that?"

At the hotel...

Angel's eyes snapped open from her nap at the sound of a cell phone ringing. Fear once again struck her hard in the heart and she bolted up into a sitting position. She wasn't sure how she even fell asleep in the first place with how she's been feeling. Her attention was caught by Dean, who was irritatedly whispering into his phone not looking one bit happy.


He tensed at her voice as he turned around and forced a smile, "Yeah, just hurry up Sam." After hanging up he brought a glass of water over to her and sat beside her, "How ya feeling?"

"The same." She grimaced at the cloudy looking water before putting it far away from herself on the table, "What'd Sam say?"

"He said..." He looked away from her, which she took as a terrible sign, "Just to try to stay calm and ride out the trip because they have a plan."

"A plan?"

"A good plan."

"Well, what is it?" Even at the good news panic was filling her and making her unsure, "What's the plan?"

"Just... a good plan. A plan that's gonna work. You're gonna be fine." He nodded as he cleared his throat and patted her knee, "It's a good plan."

Back at the lumber mill...

Bobby grabbed his shotgun and scoffed at Sam, "This is a terrible plan."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now