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Flashback: Truman High School 1997

As the bell rang to let the students out, Dirk pushed Barry down, "Got to watch where you're going, man."

Sam hurried over to them glaring, "Leave him alone, Dirk."

"You never learn, do you, midget?"

Sam looked to his friend, "Get to the bus, Barry."

Barry took off, Sam sending one last head shake to Dirk before going to follow, just as Dirk pushed Sam down, "What's the matter? You scared?" He scoffed, sending a look to the crowd, "Don't worry. I'll go easy on you this time. Come on, Lose-chester. Let's see what you got." His voice rose when Sam didn't move, "Come on, freak! Freak!"

Sam got up and engaged in a fight with Dirk. The young Winchester was clearly the superior fighter, his punches connecting hard, while Dirk was swinging at air. Eventually Sam knocked him down.

"You're not tough. You're just a jerk." Sam stood over him, "'Dirk the jerk.'"

Kids in the crowd soon picked up the chant 'Dirk the Jerk' as Dirk ran off.

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