Ch 13 Section 4

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Alastair's eyes returned to human as he walked up to the chain. One of the other demons handed him a shotgun and left. Alastair checked the shotgun, then aimed at Angel and fired. Shock and anger filled the boys as she disintegrated, but Alastair grinned in satisfaction.

"Rock salt's not so much fun anymore, is it?"

The boys glared hatefully at him as Angel reappeared.

"Alastair." She ground out as she breathed through the attack, "You son of a bitch."

"Well, go on." Alastair's attention was pulled to Sam, "Why don't you try some of your mojo on me now, hotshot?" Dean and Angel both glanced at Sam as he fumed, "It's hard to get it up when you're not wearing your meat, huh?"

"Go to hell."

"Ah, if only I could." He turned away from them and crossed the room, "But they just keep sending me back up to this arctic craphole."

"Why?" Angel followed him with her eyes, "To kill death?"

"No, to kill death twice. It takes two to break a seal. I figured another one would show up, though. They're like lemmings." Alastair pumped the shotgun, fired, and did that once more to disintegrate the boys as he came back up to the chain, "By the way, it's, uh, good to see you again, Ang."

"Shoot us all you want. You can't kill us."

Sam and Dean reappeared in pain as Alastair smirked, "That so?" Shrugging he went to retrieve a scythe and turn it over in his hands, "Anyhoo... Moon's in the right spot. The board is set. Let's get started, shall we?"

"You're gonna kill a reaper with that?" Dean scoffed, "It's little on the nose, don't you think?"

"Is it? An old friend lent it to me. You know, he doesn't really ride a pale horse? But he does have three amigos." Alastair sauntered over to the reapers, "And they're just jonesing for the apocalypse." He knelt next to the old man reaper, "It pays to have friends in low places." Grabbing the reaper by his collar he hauled him up roughly, "Don't you think?" After putting the scythe behind the reapers neck he began chanting in latin, "'Hic cruor messorius, illud sigillum, quod luciferem reverendum obstringit, aperiat ut resurgat'!"

Alastair pulled the scythe to impale the reaper and cause a white-blue light to emanate from him. He lowered the now dead reper to the floor and straitened up. Sam looked up at the chandelier hanging above the reaper trap as Alatair stepped over the dead reaper. He then grabbed Tessa by the shoulder and held the scythe to her neck. Sam glanced between Angel and Dean to the chandelier signaling them as Tessa began to panic.


"'Hic cruor messorius, illud sigillum, quod luciferem reverendum obstringit...'" The chandelier began shaking with the force from the Winchesters as Tessa watched them, "'Aperiat ut-'" The chandelier finally fell, "'Resurgat!'"

The chandelier landed on a corner of the reaper trap, breaking it. Tessa vanished and reappeared at the candle stand to unhook the chain.

Angel smirked at a livid Alastair, "Bye-bye."

The four of them vanished but only Angel and Tessa reappeared outside of the funeral home.

Tessa looked around worriedly, "Where are your brothers?"

"I don't know, but I'll find them." Angel pressed her, "You need to get out of here. Go!"

At the same time, in the Winchesters motel room...

Pamela was still sitting in the chair between the beds with the Winchesters' bodies. When something creaked in the room, it alerted her immediately. She stood up and made her way over to the door, bolted and chained it. An open window was causing the curtain to blow around so she immediately closed and locked that as well. Slowly she sensed the room as she walked to the middle of it before slowly approaching the bathroom.

"I know you're here. What's the matter, you reeking son of a bitch? You afraid of a skirt?"

Pamela ripped back the shower curtain but the space was empty, like the rest of the bathroom. When she walked back into the main room of the motel there was a demon waiting just outside. She sensed him immediately and ran over to the boys, leaning over them both.

"Vis, vis, vis!"

The demon grabbed her and dragged her up as she kicked out at him to get free. He grabbed ahold of her and hauled her closer after kicking the chair away.

Pamela struggled, "Son of a bitch!"

The two of them fight and Pamela gets loose just as the demon starts to sneer over the boys.

"Animum vult decipi, ergo-"

The demon angrily grabbed Pamela again and threw her across the room, knocking over candles and the coffeemaker. She sat up just as the demon retrieved a knife and stabbed her in the gut. Sam then sat up, awake, as the demon pulled out the knife.


He raised a hand and flung the demon against the wall before standing and exercising it with his mind. The host then slumped to the floor as Sam rushed to crouch down next to Pamela. Oddly enough, she was laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"I can't die- not in this town."

Dean was now awake as well and rushed over to her side, "What the hell happened?"

"Nice of you to join us." Pamela took her hand away from her injury but there was no blood, "How about one of you make me a drink, huh?"

Dean looked at her like she was crazy, "You need a doctor."

"Make me a drink, Dean."

The two of them looked to one another grimly.

Back with Angel...

Angel walked along the alley, looking around when she heard Alastair's voice, "You can't run." She whirled around to see him standing in the alley, "Angel." Angel's breath came faster as he advanced and she simultaneously retreated, "Not from me. I'm inside that angsty little noggin of yours."

Suddenly, blue-white lightning struck Alastair causing him to vanish.

Confusion filled Angel, "What the hell..."

"Guess again."

The blonde whirled around to see Castiel standing right behind her.

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now