Ch 15 Section 4

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In the cubicle farm...

Sam walked between the cubicles, talking into his phone as he cleaned the blood off his face with a towel, "You guys still there?"

"Yeah, listen, I think we got it." Dean answered, "Meet us on twenty-two."

"Okay, yeah. Just, uh..." He grimaced as he wiped more blood off, "Take the stairs."

In the lobby, Angel and Dean were both studying the Sandover history display when Sam walked in.

"Whoa." Dean's eyes widened, "That's a lot of blood."

"Yeah, I know."

"Holy crap..." Angels did as well when she turned to face him, "What the hell happened?"

"I don't really want to talk about it right now."

"Right... So, uh..." Dean and Angel met eyes briefly before he started to explain, "We think those are it." Sam looked over to Sandovers gloves that were sitting in the glass case, "How much you wanna bet there's a little smidge of DNA in there? You know, like a fingernail clipping or a hair or two? Something."

"Well..." Angel cleared her throat, "You boys ready?"

Dean shook his head, "I have no idea."

Sam agreed, "Me neither."

"At least we're all on the same page." Angel readied the salt as the boys got their pokers ready, "Lets get this over with."

Sam motioned to Dean after a few motionless seconds, "Go for it."


Dean smashed the glass around the gloves causing the entire atmosphere of the room to change. Their breath was briefly visible before Sandover appeared behind them and attacked. He flung the boys in opposite directions before grimacing at Angel and coming straight for her. Panicking she dropped her lighter but flailed the salt all over him until he dissipated.

"Oh..." Dean huffed as he stood back up, "Nice."

"Dean!" When Sandover appeared behind him, Sam threw the poker over so he could swing it through the ghost and dissipate him once more, "Nice catch."

Dean grinned, "Right?"

"Okay, guys, focus." Angel frantically grabbed the gloves before searching the floor, "Find the freakin' lighter!"

When Sam got up to pick up the other poker again, Sandover appeared once more between the boys. The two of them simultaneously began hitting him with the pokers, dissipating him each time as Angel flailed around in search of the lighter she dropped. He appeared behind Dean first, then Sam when Dean tried to attack, before throwing them into opposite walls again.

His hands sparked as he reached for Dean, "Now would be great, Angel!"

"I'm trying! I- I can't- Oh!" Spotting it bride the check in desk, having been kicked there in the melee, she sprinted to it, "Found it! I found it!"

"Great , well-" Sam stood up to attack Sandover again, but was just flung into a further wall, "Hurry!"

Angel quickly grabbed the lighter, flicked it on and set the gloves ablaze. The gloves burned up as did Sandover, both into nothing.

Angel tossed them to the ground before taking a deep breath and looking back up at the boys, "Wow."

Sam's eyes widened, "That was amazing!"

Dean grinned, "Right!"

Later on, in Dean's office...

"Man, I gotta tell you guys..." Dean pulled a first aid kit out of his desk, "I've never had so much fun in my life."

"Me neither."

"Yeah..." Angel plopped into one of the seats before taking her heels off, "Bonus? Pretty good workout."

Dean nodded along excitedly as he took out gauze and handed them out, "Wasn't it!"

"We should keep doing this." Sam said seriously as he looked between them, "I mean it. There's gotta be other ghosts out there. We could help a lot of people."

"Right." Dean smirked before chuckling, "Hey, we'd be like the Ghostfacers."

"No, really. I mean, for real."

"What, do you want us to quit our jobs and our lives and hit the road together?" When Sam's face was still stone faced serious, Angel straightened, "Sam... you're not serious? How would we even live?"


"Sam. Come on, think for a second. How would we have money to get by? What, steal credit cards and commit fraud? Live off of Taco Bell and diner burgers for the rest of our lives?" Dean grimaced at the thought, "Where are we gonna sleep? Somehow I don't think myself or my husband will be comfortable with the idea of me staying in some random motel room with two guys I barely know."

Sam waved her off, "That's all just details."

"Details are everything, man." Dean shook his head in agreement with Angel, "You don't wanna go fighting ghosts without any health insurance."

"Alright, look, um, confession." Dean and Angel eyed him speculatively, "Remember those dreams I told you guys about with the ghosts?" They nodded, "I was fighting them... with both of you. We were these, like, hunters, and we were friends. More like siblings, really. I mean, what if that's who we really are?" His eyes plead with them, "Come on, you both saw us back there, working together. The ghost was scrambling people's brains. What if it scrambled ours?"

Dean scoffed, "That's insane."

"Is it? Think about it for just one second. What if we think this is our life, but it's not?"

"Sam, you're not thinking clearly." Angel said softly, "I mean, maybe you're just hopped up on adrenaline right now. The ghost is dead, we did it, lets just-"

"Look, all I know is this isn't who we're supposed to be."

"No. I'm Dean Smith, okay? Director of Sales and Marketing. I went to Stanford. My father's name is Bob, and my mother's name is Karen." Dean countered with conviction before motioning to Angel, "She's Angela Johnson, our Chief Financial Officer and she's married to our contractor Asa."

"Uh, I went to Yale... My parents' names are Ellen and William." Angel added at Deans insistence, "I have a little sister named Jo-"

"Okay, but when's the last time you two have talked to them? Any of them?"

"I just spoke to my husband, Sam."

"I mean your immediate family. Like your parents or your sister."

"Okay, look, you're upset." Dean tried to quell, "You're upset, you're confused-"

"Yeah, 'cause I only moved here 'cause I just broke up with my fiancée, Madison. But I called her number and I got a damn animal hospital."

"Okay. What are you saying? Are you trying to say that our families aren't real? Huh? That we've been injected with fake memories? Come on."

"All I know is, I got this feeling in my gut. And I know- I know that deep down, you gotta be feeling it too. We're supposed to be something else. You guys aren't just a couple of corporate douchebags. This isn't you guys. I know you. Both of you."

"You don't know us, pal." Dean glared before walking to the door and opening it, "You should go."

With one last frown, Sam turned and left.

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now