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Flashback: Outside Truman High School 1997

After getting a call from one of Sam's teachers, Angel quickly parked the impala in the lot and hurried over to the school. When she saw both of her brothers sitting at the benches in the front of the school she immediately ran over to them. Sam sat frowning at the ground while Dean paced in front of him angrily.

"I'm gonna rip his lungs out!"

"Dean." Sam pleaded softly, "It's not a big deal."

Angel came to a stop between them and looked at each one of her brothers expectantly, "What the hell happened?"

"Dean, you called her?" Sam scoffed, "I said it wasn't a big deal!"

"I didn't call her." Dean scoffed, "Not a big deal? Sammy, look at yourself. If Dad was here-"

"He's not."

"Well, I am!" Dean glared around angrily, "And as soon I'm finished with that dick-"

Sam glared back, "Just shut up, okay?!"

His mini outburst earned looks from both Angel and Dean. He usually didn't snap at either one of them like that. Occasionally, maybe, but it wasn't an often thing and it usually happened when he was struggling with something he didn't want to talk about.

"Is anybody gonna tell me what the hells going on?" Angel demanded before her eyes fell to Sams, "I'm in the middle of a case and Mr. Wyatt calls me to tell me you got into a fight. What the hells that about? I expect it from Dean, but that's not the norm for you, Sammy. What happened?"

"He didn't get into a fight." Dean interjected, glaring, "He's getting messed with by some punk. He got punched in the face!"

"What?" Confusion filled Angel, but the confusion was quickly replaced by white hot rage that filled her veins from someone laying a finger on her little Sammy, "Who the hell hit you? Hm? What's the kid's name? What is it, Sam?"

"Angel." Sam turned his big puppy dog pleading eyes to her livid ones, "Please, its not-"

"Samuel." She barked, "Now."

He let out a breath as his shoulders fell, "His name is Dirk but Angel-"

"Right, Dirk, got it." Before either of them could say anything she turned around, determined to storm into the office and cause hell but Sam caught her jacket sleeve, "What, Sam?"

"I don't need your help!" He looked back to Dean, "Either of you, okay? I don't."

"That's right, you don't. You could have torn him apart." Dean said, "So why didn't you?"

"Because I don't want to be the freak for once, okay?" He looked away from them as he sat back down, studying his hands instead, "I just want to be normal."

"Okay..." Angel willed herself to calm down as she came to sit next to him, "Taking a beating from some punk kid isn't normal. You gotta handle stuff like that, Sammy. You know that."

He shook his head, changing the subject, "Any word from Dad?"

Angel looked from him to Dean, knowing they weren't going to like the answer, "He called me this morning and said he's going to be another week at least."

Dean tensed and groaned at that, "We weren't supposed to be here this long."

"I know, Dean." She sighed, "But, uh, I'm almost done with my hunt. When I wrap it up we could check out the winter carnival they're having a few towns over." She bumped Sam with her shoulder, "Bet they'll have those candy coated apples you like, Sammy."

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