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"Future, huh?" Yellow Eyes walked over to them, "I only know one thing that's got the juice to swing something like that. You two must have friends in high places." He smiled, "So, I kill your Mommy? That's why you came all this way? To see little old me?"

Dean struggled, "We came here to kill you."

"Hey, wait a minute." His smile turned excited as he leaned down between them, "If that slut Mary's your Mommy, are you... are you one of my psychic kids?" He leans in further to sniff Dean first and then moved to Angel, "No, not either of you. Maybe you got another sis, or bro. That's terrific, means it all worked out. After all, it's why I'm here."

"Of course." Angel scoffed, "That's what all this crap is about. You don't want their souls. This isn't about the deals."

"No." He smirked, "I just want their children. I'm here to choose the perfect parents, like your Mommy."

"Why her?" Dean barked, "Why any of them?"

"Because they're strong." As he spoke, Deanna peaked around the corner of the kitchen doorway to see what was happening, "They're pure, and they eat their Wheaties. My own little master race, they're ideal breeders." Dean furrowed his brow as Angel grimaced, "Oh, get your minds out of the gutter. No one's breeding with me. Though, Mary? Man, I'd like to make an exception. So far, she's my favorite."

Furious at his words, Dean thrashed around trying to get loose. From the next room, Deanna watched silently, trying to decide what to do.

Angel studies the Demon, "Why even bother with the deals?"

"I need permission." Deanna quietly made her way into the room, "I need to be invited into their houses, I know, I know. The red tape'll drive you nuts, but in ten short years, it'll all be worth it. 'Cause you know what I'm gonna do to your sibling? I'm gonna stand over their crib and I'm gonna bleed into their mouth. Demon blood is better than Ovaltine, vitamins, minerals- it makes you big and strong."

"For what?" Dean growled, "So they can lead your discount demon army? Is that your big plan?"

"Please." He waved Dean off, "My end game's a hell of a lot bigger than that, kid."

"End game? What end game?"

"Like I'm gonna tell you, or those angels sitting on your shoulder. No, I'm gonna cover my tracks good."

Angel struggled, "You can cover whatever the hell you want, but I'm still gonna kill you."

"Right." He laughed, "Now that, I'd like to see."

"Maybe not today, but you look into my eyes, you yellow eyed scum, 'cause I'm the one that puts a bullet in you permanently."

"So..." A tight, forced chuckle left him after staring at her, You're gonna save everybody, is that right? Is that it? Well, I'll tell you one person that you're not gonna save." He took out a knife, "Your Grandpappy."

Yellow Eyes winked at the two of them before plunging the knife into Samuel as they screamed.

Deanna wailed upon seeing this as well, "No!"

Turning, Yellow Eyes went after Deanna as the Winchesters struggled to free themselves. He sent her flying through the air before breaking her neck in the kitchen as she tried to crawl away. Once free, Dean grabbed the Colt and ran into the kitchen with Angel to find Deanna dead, and the demon gone.

"Mom." Angel gasped, "He's going after mom!"

At the Impala...

John and Mary sat in the Impala together, which was parked next to a river.

"I guess it's no secret why I brought you way out here."


"I just- just let me get through this, okay?"

"Okay, wait." She faced him with fear in her eyes, "There's things you don't know about me, John."

"So?" John opened the ring box and showed it to her, "I will always love you for exactly who you are."

There was a bang at the window, making both of them jump. They turned to see Samuel standing outside of the car, and Mary had no idea he was possessed by Yellow Eyes.

Anger laced Samuels, "What did I tell you?"

Mary yeled as he dragged her out of the car, "Dad!"

"Sir!" John tried to reason with him as he hurried out the other side, "Just listen!"

"Ow! Dad! You're hurting me!"

"Hey!" John ran over to try and pull him off Mary, "Take it easy!"

Samuel grabbed John's head and wrenched it sideways, breaking his neck and killing him instantly.

"No!" Mary wailed as John fell to the ground and she dropped to her knees to cradle him, "You killed him!"

"Oh, not just John, sweetie-pie." He unzipped his jacket to show her the knife wound in Samuels stomach, "Mommy and Daddy too." Mary cried harder as she furiously shook her head, "Yup, afraid so. You're little orphan Mary now."

"You son of a bitch!"

"Oh, sticks and stones may break my bones, and they won't bring your family back either."

"I'll kill you, I swear to God."

"Oh, let's not get nasty." He sat down next to her, "Now look, we both said some things that we regret. Let's, um... kiss and make up." Mary cried harder as she held John close, "I'll tell you what, I'll arrange to have lover boy here brought back breathing."

She looked up at him with broken eyes, "My parents too?"

"Nope, sorry doll, that's not on the table. But, think about it, you could be done with hunting forever. The white picket fence, station wagon, couple of kids, no more monsters or fear. I'll make sure of it."

"What? And all it costs is my soul?"

"Oh no, you can keep your soul, I just need permission."

She faltered at that as confusion filled her, "For what?"

"Mmm, in ten years I need to swing by your house for a little something, that's all."

"For what?!"

"Relax. As long as I'm not interrupted, nobody gets hurt, I promise." He faked a frown, "Or you can spend the rest of your life, desperate and alone." She sobbed, "Mary? It's a good deal. So what do you say?"

Dean and Angel pulled up just in time to see Yellow Eyes kissing Mary. The blood drained out of Angel's face as they got out of the car.


Dean bolted forward with the Colt drawn. Before he could shoot, black smoke flowed from the demon's mouth and John came back to life.

He looked up at Mary in confusion, "Mary?"

She dropped back down to him in relief, "John!"

Castiel appeared beside the Winchester's and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. When Mary looked up from John, both Dean and Angel were gone and Samuel lay dead on the ground.

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now