Ch 13 Section 2

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Back at the motel...

Dean was lying on one bed, holding an ice pack to his head, with Angel in similar condition on the other bed. Her forehead had a nasty bruise and gash on it but other than that they were both generally unscathed.

Sam opened the door and studied the two of them, "How you guys doing?"

"We're in pain.That's how we're doing." Dean answered as Angel just lifted a thumbs down, "I think we both might have concussions."

Sam stifled a chuckle, "Either of you want aspirin?"

"No thanks, House." Dean answered as Angel just put up another thumbs down earning a puzzled look from her youngest brother, "Hurts worse when she talks." Dean grimaced as he sat up, "So, demons, huh?"

"Yeah." Sam rolled his eyes as he walked deeper into the room and closed the door, "So much for miracles."

"And what the hell happened with Alastair again?"

"I told you, he tried to fling me or whatever." Sam flicked his hand in demonstration as he walked over to the coffeemaker, "And it didn't work, so he got spooked and bailed."

"Why couldn't he fling you this time?" Angel groaned out as she peaked out from under her ice pack, "You got thrown around real good last time like the rest of us."

"I thought it hurt worse when you talked?"

"Well, color me curious, Sammy."

Sam sighed at her and Dean's equally disbelieving look before turning back to the coffeemaker, "I dont know why he couldn't this time."

"You know what, Sam?" Angel rolled her eyes as she placed the ice pack back on her forehead, "Whatever secrets you want to keep is your business. Nobody, not me, Dean or even the freakin angels can make you be honest, but don't treat us like we're idiots."

"What? Angel, I'm not keeping secrets."

"Yeah, I don't even have to be looking at you to know you've got your lying face on right now."

"I'm not lying!"

"Whatever. This is a waste of time, guys." Dean dismissed them before getting back to business, "Did you go back and q-and-a the dead kid?"

"Didn't have to." Sam walked over to sit on the bed beside Angel as he held up a thin notebook, "Bobby called. He did some digging."


"He thinks we're right. Local reaper's gone. Not just gone- kidnapped."

Angel carefully sat up and put her icepack on the nightstand, "Why the hell would demons kidnap a reaper?"

"Listen to this." He opened the notebook to read from it, "'And he bloodied death under the newborn sky- sweet to taste, but bitter when once devoured.'" He looked up between them, "It's from a very obscure, very arcane version of Revelations. Basically, you kill a reaper under the solstice moon, tomorrow night, by the way, you got yourself a broken seal."

"Okay, well, how are they planning on ganking a reaper?" Angel questioned, "You can't kill death."

"I don't know. Maybe demons can." Sam scoffed, "Where the hell are the angels is what I want to know. We could really use their help for once."

Dean shrugged, "It looks like we're gonna have to take care of this one ourselves."

"And how do you propose we swing in and save the friendly neighborhood reaper?" Angel raised a brow, "Reapers are invisible. The only way people can see them is if they're already dead or knocking on the door. We're neither."

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now