Ch 5 Section 2

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On the night of a full moon a car that held a couple kissing was parked in a secluded spot in the woods. It was foggy outside and an owl hooting was the only sound.

"Rick..." Anna-Marie pulled back from her boyfriend at the sound of howling, "Did you hear that?"


"It sounded like a wolf."

"Come on, Marie, don't change the subject." He rolled his eyes, "I told you what could happen to a man if he doesn't-"

She cut him off with a glare, "Those stories aren't true."

"They are. Baby, if a man doesn't get the stuff out of his system regularly, it can back up and cause all kinds of... medical type problems."

As they started kissing again a shadow of hands and then a monster's shadow could be seen on the car.

"Shh..." Anna-Maroe pulled back again, "Do you hear that?"

"Anna-Marie, there aren't any wolves in Pennsylvania."

A werewolf then broke the window and pulled Rick out as Anna-Marie screamed.

The next day...

The Winchesters sat across from Anna-Marie at an outside table as she told them what happened.

"And then it just..." Anna-Marie slurped loudly from the large cup in front of her as the three siblings shared a look, "It just tore Rick into little pieces."

"Ma'am..." Dean earned her eyes, "We understand how hard this is, but can you describe the creature?"

"Oh." She took another nervous sip, "It was a werewolf."

"A werewolf?"


"You're sure?"

"Oh, yeah. With the furry face, and the black nose, and the claws and... and the- the torn up pants and shirt. Like from the old movies."

Angels brows furrowed, "Um..."

"Well, okay, so..." Dean forced a smile, "Thank you for your time."

At the morgue...

"Okay, what the hell is happening in this wannabe Transylvania town?" Angel scoffed as they walked over to the storage drawers, "I mean, first we got some weird Dracula sighting and now a cinema werewolf? What the hell?"

As soon as Sam opened and unzipped the body of the victim all three of them recoiled in disgust at the state it was left in from the attack.

"Alright." Sam shook his head, "Whatever did this wasn't a psycho wannabe." He pulled out some shredded flesh from the corpse with a pencil, "Look at those bite marks. Right down to the bone... and deeper."

"Strong enough to tear a healthy man apart limb from limb." Dean shrugged, "Could be a werewolf."

"No..." Angel motioned, "The hearts still in one piece. It's not even touched. They never leave it behind." She looked between them, "Thus I reiterate: what the hell is going on?"

The Sheriff entered the morgue earning their attention, "Well, I was hoping you three could tell me. I just got a rush job back from the lab on those fibres we found on the body." He pulled out a plastic bag from an envelope, "Canine. Wolf hairs."

Dean wiped his face in stress, "I'm getting a headache."

Back at the bar...

The three of them sat around a table and ate as they discussed the case, "I don't know." Dean shook his head, "Looks like we've stumbled onto a midnight showing of Dracula meets Wolf Man. Is that it?"

"Look, I could get on board with the weird Wolf Man killing but Dracula?" Angel shook her head as she munched on a fry, "Little too far out there for me."

"I don't know..." Sam countered, "I mean, Wolf Man makes Dracula seem a little less impossible, I guess."

"Yeah, but werewolves don't grow wolf hair." Dean shook his head, "That's just a myth."


"So, what? We've got a vampire and a werewolf monster mashing this town?"

Dean flinched when Angel kicked him in the leg to be quiet as Jamie made her way with another round of drinks.

"Looks like you three are staying a while. I heard about Rick Deacon."

"Yeah..." Dean shook his head as he took the beer she offered, "This case just got weird enough for our department."

"Well, beers are on me." She turned to Dean knowingly, "And, just so you know, I get off at midnight tonight."

"Oh, it's not another, uh..." He smiled sheepishly, "Girls' night out?"

"Doesn't have to be."

"Okay, then. I'll see you tonight."

She grinned, "Okay, then."

After she left he turned back to his siblings, "Hey, you think this Dracula could turn into a bat?" His question stopped Sam from taking a drink of his beer and Angel paused mid-fry, "That would be cool."

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