Ch 7 Section 4

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The Winchesters hurriedly walked across the street towards the Impala as they wiped the blood off their faces.

"Where the hell are we gonna find this mook?"

Sam turned to them, "Where would you go to raise other dark forces of the night?"

"Well... if i had to take a creep master guess it'd be the cemetery." Angel rolled her eyes, "Because isn't it always?"

"Yeah." Sam nodded as they all piled into the Impala and took off, after some stretched silence he shifted, "So, this demon's pretty powerful."

Angel nodded from the passenger seat, "He is..."

Sam leaned forward and gave them a knowing look, "Might take more than the usual weapons."

"Sam, no." Dean angered, "You're not using your psychic whatever."

"Sam, don't even think about it, alright?" Angel dismissed, "Ruby's knife is enough. We don't even need to broach that subject."

Sam scoffed, "Why?"

"Uh, for one, the angels themselves said this mojo was a bad idea!"

Sam rolled his eyes at her, "I thought you said they were a bunch of fanatics."

"Well they happen to be right about this one, smartass."

"Drop it, Sam."

"I dont know, guys..." Sam shook his head, "It doesn't seem like they're right about much."

"Well then forget the angels, okay?" Dean snapped, "You said yourself, these powers, it's like playing with fire." He picked up the knife and handed the handle back to Sam, "Please."

Sam took the knife from him but didn't say a word. The frown on his face was answer enough for how he felt about their dismissal.

Inside a dimly lit mausoleum...

Rap music blasted from a room in the mausoleum as teenagers walked around in costume. Justin stood in the middle of the group.

"Dude, I'm tripping balls!" Someone walking down the stairs of the entrance caught his attention, "Yo, shh, be quiet, it's the cops." Samhain appeared at the head of the stairs, wearing Don, before walking down towards the teens, "Mr. Harding? I mean... Don?" Samhain closed and locked the gate to the room before running his hand across it tauntingly as Justin tried to open it, "Don, you, uh, you locked us in."

The doors to the crypts all started to shake. The teenagers backed away into corners in an attempt to distance themselves from whatever was trying to come out of the crypts. A door came open and hands reached out to grab Justin's ankles. He screamed in terror as a zombie dragged him off his feet and into the crypt. A second later blood squirted out of the crypt and covered the ground in front of it. The rest of the teens started to freak out and rush the gate to get it open.

The Winchesters rushed down the stairs but Sam quickly turned to his siblings, "Help them."

"Sam!" Angel scoffed, "You're not running off without one of us with you."

"Do it!" Before she could protest he took off after Samhain, "There's no time right now."

Angel and Dean shared a tense look before the teens terrified screams caught their attention.

"Stand back!" Dean motioned for them to move, "Stand back!" Once they moved, Dean shot the lock and kicked the door open to let them all out, "Go on, come on, get out, move!"

After the teens all rushed out, the door of a crypt crashed to the ground. A zombie crawled out of it. It stood up as another crypt door crashed to the ground releasing yet another zombie. Dean and Angel both pulled out a weapon as the second zombie got up.

Angel readied herself, "You ready, D?"

"Oh yeah." He glared at one of the zombies, "Bring it on, Stinky."

With Sam...

Sam walked through the mausoleum slowly as he looked for Samhain. He turned a corner and saw him in a room facing the far wall. Sam tried to walk up to him silently, narrowing his eyes at the demon, but Samhain suddenly turned around and threw up his arm shining a bright white light. It dimmed, however, and Sam kept walking toward him.

"Yeah, that demon ray gun stuff?" Sam grinned at his shock, "It doesn't work on me."

Samhain ran at Sam, attacking first. Sam threw an uppercut punch and the two of them began fighting. Samhain finally pushed Sam against a wall by his neck, getting the upper hand.

Back with Angel and Dean...

A zombie with a silver stake coming out of its chest laid on the ground as Dean stabbed another one to the ground. Angel grappled with her zombie before finally stabbing it dead. A pair of womens heels walked up behind her, alerting her to another attack. She grabbed a stake and whipped around to stab her, but the woman flickered and disappeared before reappearing behind Angel. She turned around and the woman motioned both her hands at Angel so she flew across the room, slamming painfully into a cement before sliding down the wall.

"What the actual fuck..."

"Zombie ghost orgy huh?" Dean was next to her in an instant, fight ready, "Well, that's it, let's torch everybody."

Back with Sam...

Sam now had Ruby's knife out and was trying to stab Samhain. When it touched him, Samhain's skin sizzled but Samhain pushed it out of Sam's hand before he could be impaled. He whipped Sam around, throwing him into the wall across the room. When Sam got up, Samhain ran at him, but Sam used his psychic power to stop him. Samhain struggled against Sam, but Sam managed to keep him in his place.

Dean and Angel ran around the corner to see Sam using his powers. Both their faces fell as their brother noticed them but continued anyway. He struggled as he used more effort and concentration than ever before. His nose started to bleed and his head pounded in pain from the exertion. He grabbed his head in pain as he held Samhain back with the other. Finally, Sam managed to exorcise Samhian. Once Samhain was out of the body, Don dropped dead again.

Sam could barely raise his head to meet the intense stares he could feel from his siblings. Dean looked at him sadly, with a little bit of fear in his eyes. Angel's face was filled with disappointment. Her heart was filled with fear for her little brother's future.

The Winchester Three (S4): Lazarus RisingWhere stories live. Discover now