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"Can all passengers to Sydney please make their way to gate 4, your flight will leave in ten minuets, thank you!"

This is it. I have ten minuets before I will leave for Sydney and never come back to England. I will never see my friends and I never got to even say goodbye. I really hope that I can get over my family passing away and just be happy.

"Liv? Liv!" Lisa shouted.

"Hmmm?" I simply replied.

"The plane's leaving in five, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, lets get on this plane." I said I was fine but in reality, I didn't want to leave. I've spent 16 years in England and now I'm moving to Sydney, great.

"Okay, come on then! You'll love Sydney! its always hot and it never snows! Its no where near a cold as England," She said a bit too excitedly.

"Hmmm," I replied.

We got on the plane and luckily, I got a window seat. Lisa put our bags in the over-head storage thing and I fastened my seat belt. Lisa offered me her hand but I refused even though I hate flying, I have ever since the first time I went on holiday to new York.

Lisa just fastened her seat belt and I turned to the window to take one last look at cold, rainy England. As I did so, I thought of all the memories I had here.

Once, when I was six, my brother Logan took me to the park, he was on his bike and I was sitting on the handle bars, we hit a bump on the path and I fell off and broke my wrist, Logan got grounded for two weeks but he didn't care because I was okay. He cared about me so much, I miss him alot and I wish that I could just talk to him again. Just then I felt a tear rolling down my face, I quickly wiped it away so Lisa wouldn't see it.

Then I remembered when my boyfriend, Alex, broke up with me and my best friend, Bailey, beat the shit out of him and told me that he was a player and I could do better. I love Bailey so much and I can't believe Lisa wouldn't let me say goodbye to her. I mean Lisa is nice but I despise her and I don't know why, there's just something strange about her.

The next thing I knew, Lisa was waking me up and telling me that we were in Sydney and her son, Ashton, would be at the airport to pick us up. I just nodded my head and got up out of my seat. I followed Lisa through the airport and to the car park where there was a white Land Rover waiting for us.

"Ash, could you help Liv with her things, please" Lisa asked.

"Sure," he sighed. He took my suitcase and bag out of my hand and put them into the boot of the car.

"Hey, Ash, I'll drive and you can sit in the back with Liv!" Lisa shouted to him.

"kay," He said, he sounded happy about that.

I got into the back of the car and Ashton got in too. He told me to move along a seat so I was right next to him. We put our seat belts on and he put his arm around me. I didn't know what to do so I just went with it and rested my head on his chest.

"Hey, I'm Ashton but you can call me Ash and I'm 17 years old," He said with a smile.

"I'm Olivia but you can call me Liv and I'm 16 years old," I replied with a grin.

"Cool, we're nearly home and my friends are coming around later,"

"Cool, what they called?" I asked curiously.

"Luke, Calum and Michael, I think Michael will like you," Ash replied with a wink.


"Yeah, he likes girls with colourful hair, he has electric blue hair right now and he dyes it a different colour every few months," He laughed.

"Wow, electric blue hair,"

"I know right," Ashton laughed.

"Guys we're here!" Lisa shouted.

We all got out of the car and Ashton took my stuff into the house. The house was nothing special, it was just your everyday house with orange bricks and a white front door. When we got into the house Ashton took me to my room, it was right next to his. He opened the door to reveal a large bedroom with a white carpet and grey walls. There was a double bed in the middle of the back wall and there was fairy lights hung around the top of the walls. Also, there was a quote above my bed which said 'Have faith and live the adventure'.

"Like it?" Ash asked.

"Oh my god, yes!" I screamed.

"I designed it, painted it and bought everything in here with my own money," he sighed.

"What? Why didn't Lisa do it?" I asked, shocked.

"Because she doesn't care, she just felt sorry for you and she doesn't even know who you are,"

"Then why did she bring me here, to live with her?"

"Because she said that knew your mum when she was at school and she thought that I needed someone who had the same experience as me." He said as a tear rolled down his eye.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean she's not my mum, my real mum died in a car crash just like yours," He was full on crying now, I just pulled him in for a hug and he hugged me back.

"I'm so sorry Ash,"

"It's fine, she said she knew my mum from school but she lied. She was just this randomer from the hospital I was in and told the doctors that she knew me. When she told me this I wanted to run away but I couldn't, I had no where to go so I stayed. And to be honest I don't think she knew your mum either."

"Then why was she at the hospital in England?" I asked as a tear rolled down my eye.

"Because her friend who had cancer got transferred there and mum went with her but her friend died so she came home, with you," I was very concerned by this and I wanted to go back to England but I couldn't leave Ash here with this kidnapper.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"Yeah, that's what I said when she told me that she just took me from the hospital,"

"I knew there was something strange about her, I could tell she was nervous when we were at the hospital,"

"Well, Mike, Luke and Cal will be here soon so freshen up and we'll talk later," He said with a weak smile.

"Okay," I smiled back.

"Oh. and Liv we're going out for food!" He shouted from his room.

"Okay!" I shouted back.

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