Twenty Seven

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"Get your lazy ass' out of bed!" I heard someone yell from down stairs. I groaned in response, remembering that I wasn't supposed to go back to sleep. I turned to face a sleeping Michael. I was about to wake him up when there was a knock on the bedroom door.

"What?" I answered, still tired.

"Liv?" Calum asked from behind the door. I slipped out of Michael's grip to open the door. He had red puffy eyes and messy hair.

"Cal? What's wrong?" I questioned, stepping into the hallway and closing the door behind me. He lead me into his bedroom that he shared with Ashton and sat on the bed, patting the space beside him t tell me to sit.

"I'm sorry," He started. Wait, why is he sorry? What have I missed? Then it hit me. I ran off when he hurt my arm. I guess the girls, or Ashton, told him why I did it. "I didn't realize,"He continued.

"Cal, it's fine, I promise," I answered. He obviously didn't believe me.

"No it's not," He sighed. "I hurt you,"

"Calum, I promise you, It's fine." I assured and gave him a hug.

Once he let go, I asked, "So, which one of them told you?"

"Uhh, Bailey," He replied. "Because I thought I did something wrong and-"

I cut him off by saying, "You don't need to explain why she told you, it was obviously a good enough reason,"

He nodded in response and we sat in silence for a while. It was quite awkward because the subject we had previously been discussing. Finally, Calum broke the silence by asking me a question I hoped would never be asked.

"Liv, why did you do it?"

I sighed in response and didn't want to answer as I would probably bring up my eating disorder as well. I decided I would tell him as he was one of my best friends and I knew I could trust him.

'Here goes nothing' I thought to myself.

"Well, when I still lived in England," I started. "I was bullied by Kourtney and her 'friends' Claire, Katlyn and Aimee."

"Okay, and then what?" Calum encouraged. Oh, and Ashton was here as well. He came up to get Calum but stayed when he realized what we were talking about. I guess he really wanted to know.

"Well, they called me weird because I dressed differently, like black and stuff. Then they just kept throwing random insults at me whenever they could, really. It got to me so much and that's when I started cutting."

"You don't need to continue, Liv," Calum said, wiping tears from his eyes. I guess you could say he was the most sensitive one. Well except from Ashton, of course. I shook my head and continued.

"Well, they saw some scars when I was changing for gym class one day and they started calling me an emo and saying I was fat, that's when my eating disorder started developing," Calum instantly stopped me when I started talking about my eating disorder but I told him to shut up so I could continue. "After that, pretty much the whole school knew. And the day of the car accident was the best and worst day of my life. It was the worst because I lost my family but it was the best because I met you guys and without you guys, I wouldn't be trying to recover." After finishing my speech, I wiped my eyes and Calum and Ashton hugged me tightly. And when I say tightly, I mean I couldn't breath. "Your crushing me," I giggled and they let go.

"You need to tell Michael," Calum said and Ashton nodded his head in agreement.

"I can't," I began.

"Yes you can, you told me, Ashton and Mikaela," He added.

"That's different," I sighed.

"I know, but you need to tell him," Ashton added.

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