Thirty One

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"I'm too tired to go to the arena," I complained, collapsing on the sofa at the back of the bus.

"Yeah, same," Luke agreed.

"Fine, you two can stay here 'cause we're checking it out," Bailey said.

"Yeah, whatever, we'll see it tomorrow anyway," Luke replied, sitting next to me.

So I may have slept the entire flight but that doesn't mean I'm not tired, these time zones fucked me up. Its 10am here and like 1am in England. All I want to do is sleep, listen to music, eat and sleep.

"Okay, see you when we get back," Calum said and they left.

Luke was on his phone, probably on Twitter or something, and I was staring out of the window. I saw Luke look at me a few times out of the corner of my eye but decided to ignore it.

"Remember when we dated for like a day?" He eventually said.

"I guess, why?" I asked, turning to face him.

"Because I just want you to know that those feelings never went away," he continued.

"Let me just stop you there," I began. "you have a girlfriend, which happens to be my best friend, and I have a boyfriend who is your best friend,"

"Bailey helped me get over you," He replied in a 'matter of fact-ly' tone.

"You can't fuck with people's feelings like that, Luke," I sighed.

Let me just say, those feeling I had for Luke never went away either. I mean, I do love Michael but Luke always finds away into my head no matter what it is. It could be the most simplest thing, like now, I'm wearing the shirt he got me for Christmas and I haven't took it off for about two days. But then Michael got me a necklace and I haven't took it off since the day he gave it to me. I'm so confused right now.

"Did you hear what I just said?" He asked. No Luke I didn't hear what you just said because I was too busy thinking about you and my fucked up emotions.

"No, what did you say?"

"I said, I wish that I could kiss you again," He smirked.

"Go ahead," I challenged. Wait, what the hell? I need to learn to control my mouth.

Before I could say anything else, or change my mind, his lips were attacking mine. I felt his cold lip piercing on my warm lips as they moved in sync. My hands traveled to his hair as his went to my waist. Suddenly, the door opened and I pushed Luke off me.

"Was I interrupting?" Ashton asked, raising his eyebrows at us. Ashton needs to learn to knock before entering, I swear to god.

"I-uhh," Luke began. I didn't say anything, I couldn't. I didn't know what to say. Ashton just walked in on us cheating on his two best friends, what was there to say? He saw what happened there's no point denying it.

"Look, I need to tell you something," Ash began, closing the door and sitting in between Luke and I.

I nodded my head, telling him to continue.

"I really don't care what you two do but there's something you need to know," He sighed.

"Come on, spit it out," Luke encouraged.

"michaelandbaileyhavebeencheatingonyouwitheachother," he said.

Was I supposed to understand that?

"In English?" I asked.

"Michael and Bailey have been cheating on you with each other," He said again, still fast but understand this time.

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