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Mikey and I walked into the kitchen with huge smiles on our faces. The boys just gave us wiered looks and carried on with their conversation. Except Ashton. Ashton gestured for me to follow him upstairs. I followed him upstairs just like he asked, we were in Michael's room. Ash closed the door and sat on the bed with me.

"I don't know why you're so happy but Lisa text me and said we have to go home, quickly." Ash started.

"So? Could you just tell her that we're going shoping for clothes because I dont have any,

"I would but I can't,"

"But why?"

"Trust me, we have to go. But I promise to keep you safe no matter what."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, we have to go,"

"Okay," I sighed. I was really looking forward to spending a day with the boys.

Ash grabbed my hand and we went down stairs. We went into the kitchen to ay goodbye to Luke, Calum and Michael. They all gave me hugs and said goodbye. I could tell Michael was disappointed, but he gave me his phone number so I could text him. We walked home because Luke drove us to Michael's and our house was only around the corner.

It took us about five minuets to get home. When we got onto our driveway, Ashton grabbed my hand and whispered "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe," I still didn't know what he was going on about but I'm getting worried about it. Just as I opened the door, Ashton's hand got tighter and I got scared. All of the lights were out and the curtains were closed. I turned around to face Ash and he told me to stop.

"Mum, we're back!" He shouted.

"Get in the kitchen, NOW!" A voice that was not Lisa's shouted. Will. Oh God, Ashton told be to stay away from him, what's he going to do? I turned around to face Ash again. "You're fine, go on, I'm here." He whispered so only I could hear him. I nodded my head and walked into the kitchen with Ash close behind. The light was on in the kitchen so I could see Will and Lisa. They didn't look too impressed.

"And where have you two been?" Will Asked.

"With Michael, Luke and Calum," I replied.

"So, you've been their all night without telling me or your mum?" He looked angry now.

"Yes, and she is not my mum and she never will be!" I shouted, I was getting angry now. Ash put his arms around me to comfort me. I felt safe, like nobody could hurt me.


"Ash..." I whispered.

"DON'T SHOUT AT HER, SHE'S DONE NOTHING WRONG!" Ash screamed at Will. As he did, Will walked closer and closer to me and Ash. He lifted his hand and slapped Ashton across the face.

"DON'T HIT ASHTON!!" I screamed. But that just made things worse. Will came closer to me but Ashton pushed him out of the way. Why isn't Lisa doing anything?!

"Did you just push me?" Will said with an attitude.

"Yes, Yes I did!" Ash shouted.

"And why did you do that?"

"Because you hit Liv!" Ash screamed. Will pushed passed Ashton so he could get to me.

"LISA WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING?" I shouted. She didn't reply, she just walked out of the room. Will lifted his hand and punched me in the stomach. I was nearly sick but Ashton grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the front door. When we were outside, Ashton pulled me onto his back and started running. I shut my eyes and put my arms around Ashton.We ran past Michael's house, Past the mall and into a park.

When Ashton had stopped running, I opened my eyes to find a tree house. Ash started to climb the tree so we could get inside. Once we were inside, he put me down and I sat on a cushion. The tree house was decorated with fairy lights and cushions, There was an acoustic guitar in the corner along with a camera and tripod. It looked so magical.

"I always come here when Will gets like that," Ash said.

"Its so magical," I whispered.

"I know right, Michael and Calum did this,"

"Why is there a camera and tripod?"

"Oh, we make YouTube videos up here,"

"Really? That's so cool."

"Yup," Ash said. We sat in silence for a few minuets. I don't like silence.

My stomach started to really hurt now. I felt like I was going to be sick. I quickly grabbed the ladder which was next to the door and threw it down. I quickly climbed down and threw up in a bin. I climbed back up the ladder to see a concerned looking Ashton.

"You okay Liv?" He asked.

"Yeah, I was just sick but I'm fine now." I smiled. Ash nodded his head and pulled the ladder back up. We sat there in silence for a few more minuets.

I started to cry, I don't know why but I did. Once Ashton had seen me crying he came over and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and I hugged him. Suddenly, Ashton's phone beeped to say he had a text message. Ashton sighed and said "Its Lisa, She wants us to come back home."

"Please Ash, don't make me go back there." I begged.

"Okay But I'll ask the boys to come here yeah?"

"Yeah, I'll text Michael," I said as I got my phone out. I unlocked my phone to see that I had two missed calls and a text from Michael, I opened the message first.

From Michael,
I miss you, Liv :(

I smiled and text him back.

To Mikey:
I Miss you too Mikey :( I need you to come to the tree house in the park, bring Luke and Calum too. I'm with Ash, be quick!!

He replied a few seconds later

From Mikey:
Okay don't worry, did Will do something? xxx

To Mikey:
Yeah, he punched me and hit Ash. Please be quick. xxx

Before I could lock my phone again he replied.

From Mikey:
Okay princess, I'm on my way. xxx

"Michael, Luke and Calum are on their way now," I said to Ash.

"Okay, are you sure your okay, I can take you to the hospital when the boys get here,"

"No, I'm fine Ash."


"Yeah, I promise," I said as I heard a car outside. I looked out the window to see the boys coming towards us. I waved at them and threw the ladder down for them. Michael was the first one to come in, I jumped up but quickly sat back down because I felt dizzy. Michael came over to me and gave me a hug.

"Are you okay Liv?" Michael asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit dizzy." I reassured him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"What happened to your face?" Calum asked Ashton.

"Will hit me." He replied with a sigh.

"Did he hit you, Liv?"Luke asked,

"Yeah, he punched me in the stomach," I replied.

"That dude needs punch in the face," Calum said angrily.

"Calm down Cal," Michael said.

"Okay, okay,"

"So, what now?" Luke Asked, looking at each of us.

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