Twenty Six

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(Slight trigger warning in this chapter, sorry!)

The One Direction boys left after Michael broke down. They said it would be better if they left because they didn't want to get involved with our personal lives even though they're practically best friends.

Michael had stopped crying a while ago and I found out that Mikaela had various mental illnesses and her parents couldn't cope anymore so they sent her to stay with us until she was better, but the way Michael had explained it, it sounded like she had a long way to go before she was fully recovered. Michael was blaming himself for it because he said he wasn't there enough for her. I told him that he shouldn't blame himself because things like that can be caused by various different things. I also said that I would help her because I was recovering from mental illnesses too, such as depression. The two things I didn't tell him is that I'm still trying to recover from my eating disorder and self harm. I know I should have told him but I didn't want him worrying anymore than he already was.

Now, the others are upstairs while Ashton and I are sitting downstairs because we're not tired yet. Ashton was sitting in the corner of the sofa, his legs stretched out on the black fabric beside him. I was sitting on this lap, my head on his chest. It felt good to know I actually had family. Even tough Ashton is my cousin, he feels like a brother to me. we had gotten really close over that past few weeks of me living in Australia.

"Ash," I began. "Why do you wear so many bracelets?" I asked, taking his large hand in my smaller one.

"The same reason you do," He replied. How does he know? I haven't told him. I haven't told anyone. Not even my parents knew. The only person who knows is Bailey and she wouldn't tell anyone.

"What?" I asked, trying to sound like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Liv, I've seen your scars," He began. As he said that I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding.

"Ash, please don't tell anyone," I begged. I was still holding his hand, playing with the strings of his bracelets.

"I won't," He promised. "Can I see them?" He asked. I nodded my head as I let go of his hand and pulled up my two sleeves, revealing my red wrists. I wasn't wearing any bracelets because I had long sleeves but if I was wearing a short sleeve top, I would have bracelets covering half of my two arms. Just like Ashton. Ashton spun me around so I was facing him and he took my arms in his hands, staring at my old scars and new cuts. He ran his finger over every one of them, me wincing in pain every time he pressed slightly too hard on new cuts. He said sorry every time. Once he was finished, I asked if I could see his and he agreed. He took off his bracelets, placing each one carefully on the coffee table next to us. I let out a breath once he was finished and buried my head into his chest, letting out quiet sobs.

"How can two people be so broken?" I mumbled into his chest.

"I have no idea, Liv, absolutely no idea," He sighed, resting his chin on top of my head. As he said that, there was a knock on the door. I sat up and got off Ashton, wiping my tears in the process. We both stood up and walked towards the door. I quickly pulled down my sleeves, remembering that they were still pulled half way up my arms. I winced at the pain as I felt newer cuts re-open from the friction. Ashton gave me a weak smile and opened the door, revealing a tall, thin, black-haired girl. I guessed it was Mikaela.

"Oh my god, Mikaela!" Ashton squealed, pulling her in for a hug. Yup, I was right. It's Mikaela. She gave me a weak smile and walked in, pulling her small suit case behind her. I smiled back at her, my eyes not leaving her body. I knew I shouldn't be staring but I couldn't help it. I was just trying to figure her out. Michael hadn't told me exactly what her mental illnesses were but I could guess just by looking a her. I wasn't judging her just figuring her out. She was very thin; some sort of eating disorder, maybe? Long sleeves; self harm? Dark bags under her eyes; insomnia? Okay now I just feel like I'm judging her.

We made our way into the sitting room and sat on the black sofa.
"Ash, your bracelets," I pointed out.

"It's fine, she knows," He replied. "So, Mikaela, this is Liv, Liv, this is Mikaela," Ashton introduced us to each other and we got to know more about each other. I learned that Mikaela suffered from depression, self harm, bulimia and she had also tried to commit suicide multiple times. I told her about my depression, eating disorder and self harm. I told her that I would help her recover and she agreed to do the same for me. I also learned that we liked the same music and we are the same age. I told her about the accident even tough ash told me not to. I did anyway because she had opened up to me about the life at home and how she got bullied at school for being 'different' and 'weird'.

After about an hour of getting to know each other, Ashton said we could sleep on the sofa or he could make Calum sleep downstairs so I could go back to Michael and Mikaela could share with him. We said we would just sleep on the sofa so we wouldn't wake anyone. Ashton decided to join us on the sofa even tough there was hardly any room. Mikaela took the smaller sofa closest to the door while Ashton and I took the larger one.

We made our self comfortable, Ashton lying at the back and me next to him. He had his arms wrapped around my waist so I wouldn't fall off if I moved. I knew Michael would get jealous but I didn't care, it's no like I was cheating or anything, Ashton's my cousin there's nothing to be jealous of. We pulled the blanket over us and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to loud-ish voices but I didn't want to open my eyes, I wanted to hear what they were saying.

"They're so cute!" one voice said, I think it was Bailey because it was quite a girly voice but then again it could be Mikaela because she arrived last night.

"I know right, I ship it," Okay, that was Bailey because she always says stuff like that.

"Will you guys shut up, they're cousins for crying out loud," Luke or Calum?

I was getting bored of hearing the same words 'they're so cute!' And 'I ship it so hard!' And 'will you guys shut up' so I slowly fluttered my eyes open, acting like I hadn't been listening to their conversation for the past ten minutes. I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"Finally," Calum sighed as he saw me 'wake up'

"What?" I questioned, trying to sound oblivious to what he was saying.

"All they've been saying is that you and Ashton look cute together and they ship it so fucking hard," He answered, pointing toward Bailey and Mikaela. I rolled my eyes at them and tried to sit yo but got pulled down by Ashton. I let out a sigh and stayed where I was.
"See! So freaking cute!" Mikaela squealed.

"He's my cousin, you idiot," I laughed and rolled my eyes at her comment. "Where's Michael?" I asked them, trying to peel Ashton's arms from around my waist without waking him.

"Upstairs," Calum answered. I nodded as I finally got out of Ashton's grip and started walking up the stairs. "Wait," Calum stopped me and pulled my wrist. I winced in pain and turned to face him.

"What's wrong?" He questioned, instantly dropping my arm once he saw I was in pain. I looked at Mikaela and Bailey and they shrugged their shoulders and gave me a 'don't tell him' look. I looked back at Calum and shook my head.

"I-I need to s-see Michael," I stuttered and ran up the stairs. I slowly opened the door to Michael and I's room to see him fast asleep. I smiled and climbed into bed with him. I turned to face him and he opened his eyes.
"I love you, Liv," he whispered and kissed my fore head, wrapping his arms around my waist in the process.

"I love you too," I answered, putting my arms around his neck and nuzzling my face into his chest. "Mikaela's downstairs," I added. he didn't say anything. I guess he fell asleep again.

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