Forty One

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I'm so stressed out right now. I can't be pregnant, I'm only seventeen. I guess I won't be able to find out until Abbey comes back. I'm sitting in Starbucks with Bailey and Mikaela while Abbey went to the pharmacy to get me a pregnancy test. It's really awkward because I haven't told anyone else about my situation yet and all they're doing is asking me questions. I refuse to tell them about anything until I know for sure if I'm pregnant or not.

"Liv?" I heard someone say, cutting me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, did you get it?" I asked Abbey, standing up.

"Yeah, I'll come with you," She said.

"Wow, a Starbucks bathroom," I laughed as I closed the door to the bathroom stall.

I did the test and screamed at the result. Positive. How the fuck did this even happen? How am I going to tell Michael? More importantly, how am I going to tell Luke? I can't just walk up to him and be like: 'Hey, I cheated on you with your best friend and he got me pregnant. We're over.' How did I end up in this mess of a life?

"Are you okay?" Abbey questioned once I opened the stall door with my make up running down my face.

"I-it's positive," I stuttered and showed her the test. "I'm only seventeen,"

"You're going to be okay," She assured. "You need to tell Michael,"

"How?" I asked, wiping my face with my hands.

"I don't know but I'm here for you," She promised and I nodded my head. She gave me a hug before we went back to our table where Mikaela and Bailey were waiting.

Everyone was busy talking and I couldn't stop thinking about how I would tell them. They tried to get me to talk but I couldn't, I was still in shock. Instead I text Michael.

To Michael:
Are you at the arena? I need to talk to you x

From Michael:
Yeah I am, whats wrong? x

To Michael:
I'll tell you when I get there, see you soon x

"I'm going to see the boys at the arena, are you coming?" I asked them and they said yes.

We eventually got the the arena and security let us straight in, seeing as there were thousands of girls screaming at us to get pictures with them. There was no conversation between any of us until we got to the dressing room.

"Hey, baby," Luke greeted as we entered.

"Hey," I replied as he started walking towards me. "Where's Michael?" I asked before Luke wrapped his arms around me. It felt weird, knowing that we had cheated on each other the night before and neither of us even knew. Well I knew, obviously, Abbey told me. But he has no idea that I'm carrying his best friends baby.

"Why'd you want Michael?" He questioned, pulling away from me.

"I just do, okay?" I snapped and he put his hands up in defense.

"He went to get food from the vending machine down the hall," He answered. I walked out of the room and down the hall where I saw Michael standing opposite a vending machine.

"Hey, what did you want to talk about?" He asked once he saw me appear beside him.

"Uhhh," I started. How am I supposed to tell him? "I-I'm, I can't do this," I shook my head and began to cry.

"Hey, don't cry," He murmured, pulling me towards him so my head was on his chest and his arms were around my waist. "Now, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant," I mumbled and his grip around me got tighter. "And you're the dad,"

"That's amazing," He whispered which made me smile. I didn't think he would react this way, I thought he would be angry or upset but he wasn't. Now I just have to tell everyone else. It was bad enough telling Michael and now I have to tell five more people, I don't think I can do it again.

"Liv?" I heard someone say. I let go of Michael to see who it was. It was Luke, great.

"Yeah?" I questioned as he walked towards us.

"Why were you guys so close?" He growled, sending glares to Michael.

"Luke we-" I started but got cut off by Michael. This can't be anything good.

"She's pregnant and I'm the dad," Michael announced. I was right. I guess I don't have to worry about telling him, right?

"WHAT?!" Luke yelled. "How could you? After everything we went through?!"

"Don't blame this on me! This happened because of that girl you were with in Dallas and don't forget about Bailey!" I exclaimed.

"What about Bailey?" He questioned.

"I saw you last night when I went to the beach with Michael and Abbey told me that her and Ashton didn't get any sleep because of you!" I yelled, rolling my eyes.

"And I'm sorry!" He began.

"Save it Luke, we're done!" I yelled, walking back to the boys' dressing room.

I need to find Ashton. I need to tell him, he's my only family and I know he'll be with me through all of this. I was still walking down the corridor when I got stopped by Abbey.

"What happened?" She asked, "Does he know?"

"Yeah, and Luke," I answered, still walking. "Where's Ashton?"

"I'm right here," I heard him say. I turned around to see Ashton walking behind us. I stopped walking and wrapped my arms around his neck. Once we separated, we walked to the dressing room and sat on the sofa next to Calum. As soon as I sat down, Calum put an arm around me, hugging me tightly.

"I told them for you," Abbey said and I smiled at her. I'm so glad I didn't have to do it. I wonder how Bailey reacted. She's not in the room, neither is Mikaela.

"I'm glad I have amazing friends," I began. "I love you all,"

"We love you too," Calum answered, tightening his grip around me.

"Calum, I can't breath and you're squashing the baby," I laughed as he immediately let go.

"Have you thought of any names?" Ashton asked and I rolled my eyes.

"No, I only found out like and hour ago," I laughed.

"I like Arabella," Calum said.

"Wow, are we really doing this now?" I questioned.

"Yes, and I like Ariel," Ashton added.

"No, I'm not naming my child after a Disney character," I argued. "Anyway, are you just assuming that it's a girl?"

"Stop, stop, stop," Abbey demanded, "This is Michael and Liv's job, not ours,"

"Thank you," I laughed.

Suddenly, the door opened and we were all silent when we saw Michael walk in with his hand on his face. If Luke hit him, I will kill him. I stood up and walked towards him. He still had his hand on his face, I tried to take it away but he wouldn't let me.

"Mikey, please," I begged. He eventually let me look at his face and there was a bruise forming on his cheek bone. I sighed and took him to Lou who was sitting at the back of the room, tidying her work space.

"Lou, can you clean Mikey's face while I find Luke?" I asked.

"Sure, but you're not going anywhere," She answered. "Go and sit down, you'll stress out the baby,"

I did as I was told and sat back down with Calum, Ashton and Abbey while Lou sorted out Michael's face. We talked for a while, Ashton was insisting that if my baby was a girl then I call her Rachel after Rachel from friends, but I refused.

We also talked about me going back to Australia with Abbey because there's too much drama going on here and it's bad for the baby. So, I'm going back to Australia with Abbey tomorrow and we'll be staying Sarah, Bailey's mum, because Ashton didn't want me to go back to Lisa and Michael didn't want me to stay with him mum either. I don't mind staying with Sarah because she's like a second mum, plus I haven't seen her in ages. Also, Abbey hasn't met her before and she said she really wants to. The boys still have a few months left on tour and I really don't want to leave but I know I have to, our flight is at 12:00 tomorrow afternoon.

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