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"Hey!!" Michael and Luke shouted through the laptop.

"Hey!" Calum and I shouted back.

"Why did you ring us? we were in the middle of watching Mean Girls!" Luke complained.

"Because this is WAY more important than Mean Girls!" I yelled, starting to get over excited again.

"What's more important than Mean Girls?" Michael rolled his eyes.

"Uh, my best friend moving here tomorrow!" I screamed. "oh, Luke, you're coming with me to pick her up from the airport at 3pm"

"Okay, need help with anything?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, we need to write a song and decorate Calum's house so get your asses round here," I laughed.

"Okay, where's ash?" Michael asked.

"Long story mate," Calum added, playing some chords on his guitar. "oh bring a guitar,"

"Kay," Luke said, ending the call.

Calum and I sat in the kitchen waiting for Luke and Michael, Calum playing random chords on his guitar and me doodling on a piece of paper in front of me.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I jumped up from my chair and opened the door, revealing Luke and Michael both holding guitars. They went through to the kitchen and sat with Calum as I closed the door.

"Where's ash?" Michael asked.

"With Aimee" Calum sighed.

"What!" Luke yelled.

"Calm down," Calum said "we need to plan this party and write this song,"

"Yeah, come on Liv we need your help," Michael said, motioning for me to come over. I smiled and sat next to Calum.

"Any ideas?" Luke asked.

"I got a few chords," Calum replied, playing them.

"Tell me some stuff about her?" Michael said.

"She moved from New York to England a month or so ago. Umm, she dropped out of school and she has pink hair, she's seventeen. " I replied, "why?"

"Because we could make the song about her," Michael added.

"Oh my god yeah!" I replied, Calum constantly playing chords on his guitar and Luke joining in.

"She's dropping outta school cause she don't need the grades, the colours in her hair don't seem to fade," Luke sang.

"I get dressed up when I go but gets dressed down, she's seventeen I told her I'm twenty I couldn't take her out cause mums got no money," Michael joined in.

"It's stuff like this that makes me wish that I could change somehow," Calum added, writing down the lyrics the other boys sang as well.

"Sitting here at home, it's obvious you're so out of reach and I'm finding it hard as she makes me feel, she makes me feel like I try, like I try, like I'm trying to hard," I sang.

"Cause I'm not being me and it's getting me down that she makes me think, makes me think, that I try, that I try, that I'm trying to hard again," Luke added.

We finished some more verses and a chorus. Calum was making a banner, Luke was making food and Michael and I were making a cake. Ashton still hadn't come back yet.

"What kind of cake are we making?" Michael asked.

"Chocolate." I instantly replied.

"Okay," he laughed.

"And it needs to have two layers, we need to write 'Welcome To Aussie' on it and we need to draw Bailey and her mum on top with icing," I added.

"I'm not that good of a cook you know," he laughed.

"Good job I am then," I added, mixing the chocolate cake mix in the bowl. Michael added chunks of milk chocolate, white chocolate and dark chocolate. I continued mixing the ingredients together as Michael added even more chocolate.

"Okay, I think you've put enough chocolate in there Michael," I laughed, putting some cake mix on his face.

"Hey! I like chocolate okay!" He said, sounding offended.

"Well sorry but I don't think you need that much chocolate." I replied, jokingly slapping his arm.

"Fine I'll help Calum instead!" He said walking over to Calum. I pored the mix into a baking tin at placed it in the oven, setting the timer for 45 minutes.

I made my way over to Luke who was making pizza at the other side of the kitchen.

"Hey, need help?" I asked.

"I'm fine," he smiled.

"Okay," I said as I walked over to Calum and Michael who were trying to draw Bailey and her mum.

"Oh my god," I laughed "give me the pen," I started drawing two bodies, adding Baileys long pink hair which she always wore in a high pony tail and her mums long brunette hair. I drew Baileys bright green eyes and pink lips. Then her mums brown eyes and red lips. I drew her chocolate Labrador next to her. She loved her dog, Millie, I hope she was coming here. I put down the pens and admired my work. I was pleased with what I had drew and walked back into the kitchen.

I helped Luke put toppings on his pizzas and waited until the oven beeped telling me that cake was ready. I started mixing the white icing with water, preparing it for the cake. I took the cake out of the oven and left it to cool down

I grabbed the icing pens and other stuff you put on cakes out of the cupboards and placed them on the counter top. I smoothed the White icing on top of the soft, spongy cake and called Michael over to help decorate it.

Once again, I drew Bailey, her mum and her do Millie on the cake but this time with the icing pens. Michael wrote 'Welcome to Aussie' around the edges and put a lot of sprinkles on top. Finally, our master piece was finished and we placed it in the fridge until tomorrow. Luke put the food onto plates and covered them with cling film. Calum hung the banner above the stair case, opposite the door so Bailey and her mum would see it as they walked in.

"I'm sooo tired," I whined.

"You and Michael can stay in Mali's room," Calum said, yawning and pointing to the stairs, "second room in the left,"

"Okay," I said, dragging myself up the stairs, Michael following. I opened the door, expecting it to be bright pink, I don't know why I just did, but it wasn't bright pink. It was light blue with fairy lights draped across the walls, it was so pretty and magical. I got undressed and put on pair of grey sweat pants and a T-shirt that Calum gave me. I climbed into bed and shut my eyes. Just as I was about to fall asleep I felt the bed dip as Michael lay down. I giggled and turned over facing him.

"Goodnight gorgeous," Michael whispered.

Oh my god Michael Clifford just called me gorgeous, I could die right now but I'll just go to sleep instead.

"Goodnight Mikey" I replied, turning over so I was facing he wall. I felt Michael wrap his arms around me as I fell asleep.

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