Twenty Nine

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~Two Weeks Later~

It's Christmas Eve. I can't believe it. that means it's Christmas tomorrow and then three weeks until the tour officially starts. I'm so excited and I'm not even the one who's going to performing in front of thousands of people for the first time. I remember Michael telling me that when they had their first show in Sydney, only twelve people showed up. if that was true then this is a big step. from twelve to fifty thousand. I'm so proud of them.

"Liv! Come here!" I heard Luke shout. I rolled my eyes and walked into Ashton and Calum's bedroom where all the boys were. We had decided to split into two rooms, the boys in Ashton and Calum's room and the girls in Mine and Michael's room.

"What do you want Lucas?" I asked, standing in the doorway. he motioned for me to sit next to him.

"Which one for Bailey?" He asked, pointing to the three t-shirts on the floor.

"That one," I replied, pointing to the black singlet which had "I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby" printed in the front. "She loves that song," I added. He thanked me and told me to leave.

I made my way back to my room to join Bailey and Mikaela. When I got there, it was way more messier than before.
"What did you do," I laughed, sitting on the floor with them.

"I have no idea," Bailey answered. "anyway, what did Luke want?"

"Advice," was all I said until she gave me a confused look. "presents," I laughed.

"Oh, okay," she nodded. They had successfully wrapped all of the remaining presents while I was talking to Luke and they're in the corner of the room, next to our suitcases which we never bothered to unpack.

"Hello?" Someone asked, knocking on the door.

"You may enter," Mikaela giggled. the door opened, nearly squashing me in the process because I was sitting the closest to it.

"Calum!" Mikaela squealed, jumping up to give him a hug. it's like she hasn't seen him in years. Oh, they're together now, I guess he realised that Bailey wouldn't be leaving Luke anytime soon.

"Ready?" He asked, a smirk appearing on his face. We nodded and he left.

We'd planned a secret gift thing where you had to pick a pice of paper with a name on, and which ever name you get is who you have to buy a present for. I got Ashton, Bailey got Calum and Mikaela got Michael which meant we don't know who the boys got.

I grabbed the little red bag from my bed and made my way downstairs with Bailey and Mikaela close behind me. When we got downstairs, the black sofas were pushed to the side of the room and the boys were sitting in a circle in the middle of the floor.

"Nice shirt," Michael laughed as I sat in between him and Calum.

"I know, it's yours," I replied, kissing his cheek.

"Okay, let's get this started!" Ashton yelled, standing up.

"Take a seat," Liz laughed as she pushed Ashton down by the shoulders and sitting with us.

"I'll start," Luke spoke and pulled a small bag from behind him. "Bailey, Merry Christmas," He smiled. Bailey took a small box out of the bag and opened it, revealing a small silver ring.

"L-Luke," she stuttered.

"It's a promise ring," he began, "so if I ever go away on Another huge tour and you have to stay, it means you'll never forget me and you know I'll always love you and nobody else,"

I think my heart just melted. He's so sweet, oh my god. Bailey was crying, and I'm not surprised because I would be too.

"Oh my god, Luke, you know I would never forget you. This is beautiful," she spoke. "I guess it's my turn," she giggled, wiping her tears away. "Calum," She handed Calum a blue bag which contained a guitar pick and a Nirvana T-shirt, which I helped choose.

We carried on passing our gifts around until it was my turn. I gave Ashton the red bag which contained a Coldplay CD, drumsticks and a bandana.

Mikaela got a pair of earrings from Calum, like Luke gave a ring to Bailey.

Eventually it was Michael's turn and I was the only one who hadn't got anything yet. He pulled a silver bag from behind his back and gave it to me. I opened it and there was a black box inside. I took out the box, opening it to reveal a silver chain necklace with a locket. Michael opened the locket and there was a picture of the four boys inside with some writing that said 'It always will be you, Wherever you are'

"It's some lyrics I wrote," he whispered to me.

"Thank you, Mikey," I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Anything for my princess," he mumbled into my neck. I smiled and let go as he put the necklace around my neck and fastened it. "I love you,"

"I love you too," I replied.
Liz had brought down some blankets and pillows a few minuets ago before going to bed. we set out the blankets and pillows on the floor and made our selves comfortable.

"I'm so tired," I heard Bailey say from the other side of the room.

"Go to sleep then, you idiot," I laughed. She didn't reply, I guess she took my advice. I quietly laughed to my sled and felt Michael put his around my shoulder. I looked at my phone to check the time, 00:00 it read.

"Merry Christmas," I said to Michael, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

"Merry Christmas, princess," He replied, nuzzling his head into my neck. "go to sleep," he mumbled.

"Night, mikey," I whispered.

"Good night," he replied.

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